Monica walked along the sand on that sunny morning with a permanent smile playing on her lips and an extra spark in her soft brown eyes. The waves in the ocean were almost non-existent and the contact with her small feet produced a ticklish sensation which she knew Andrew would certainly tease her for. When the Irish angel woke up he was still asleep but as she felt a deep wish to see the ocean and as it was too early in the morning, she decided to go out just for a little while. Hopefully, by the time she returned to the beach house, he would still be sleeping and she would have the opportunity to see him waking up.
The gentle breeze that was blowing against her face brought back the memories of the previous night – the Valentine’s day night, when the blond angel decided to make a surprise by covering her eyes with a scarf and bringing her there. But that breeze, that beach, the small cosy house where they were staying at: everything there was etched in her mind forever, like a precious memory, and she recognised that special place at the moment they arrived there even if her eyes were covered.
Monica had been out there for some time now and, worried about Andrew, who would wake up any time soon, she headed back to the beach house. But as she came closer to it, the Irish angel could make out his strong and tall form standing in the sand, with his hands on his pockets quietly observing the sea. She started to walk faster and as soon as he saw his ‘sweet valentine’ coming towards him, a smile broke on his lips, along with an expression of pure fascination at her beautiful image. Monica’s hair was loosen and even brighter under the morning sun and the gentle wind dishevelled the auburn curls that spread over her shoulders; her long lilac dress was loosen and flying along with her hair, forming a perfect angelic picture.
By the time she approached him, Andrew was lost in wonder, practically astonished with her heavenly beauty – since they first met, he’d always found her extremely beautiful, but on that morning, under the rising sun and walking on the deserted beach with the gentle wind blowing against her, she was just gorgeous, the most gorgeous creature God had ever made, and the blond angel felt his heart filled with gratitude for being the one to be honoured with her love.
He was more and more infatuated with her and the sound of her soothing voice along with the spark in her soft brown eyes made his heart skip a beat. “Andrew... I didn’t think you would wake up so soon...” she said, with a slightly worried expression on her face, but he was so enchanted with her image that it took him a few instants to reply.
“... you’re so beautiful...” he managed to whisper, contemplating her meek features as if he’d fallen in love all over again at that very moment.
Blushing a little, as she could easily read his green pools, she smiled, part of her worry had vanished immediately. “Thank you... I’m sorry I wasn’t there...”
Andrew quickly pressed a finger against her lips, “Shh... no apologies, angel. Just let me look at you for a moment...”
Normally, he would spend hours watching the little Irish angel with marvelled eyes, or listening to whatever she had to tell him but on that very moment he felt something so special and so extraordinary that not even he knew how to explain it.
Blushing twice, Monica bit her lower lip and lowered her eyes for a second, facing him again with a broader smile, “You’re making me blush here, you know?”
Chuckling, he reached out to caress her cheek and just the mere fact that he could touch her skin caused a lump of emotion to form in his throat. “I can see that... And you look even more adorable to me...”
“I woke up early and heard the noise of the ocean so... I felt a deep wish to take a little walk on the sand, just for a few minutes...” she said, leaning on his palm, treasuring that soft caress.
“And I’m glad you did it so that I could watch you walking towards me...”
“... but I wanted to come back before you woke up...”
Still lost in wonder, he shook his head, “No... it was perfect this way...”
Monica frowned a little and tilted her head in an inquisitive way, “Andrew?” she said, pronouncing his name the way nobody did, “Is there something wrong?”
“No... I... I just feel like I cannot take my eyes from you... anytime soon, angel!” he replied, smiling at her concern and finding the way she looked at him incredibly cute.
“Hum... I see...” she gave one step closer to him and, highly amused, lowered her voice, as if telling a very important secret, “So I’m afraid you’re in love!”
He let out a small laugh and looked at her from head to toe once again, cupping her chin afterwards, “And I’m afraid you’re perfectly right!”
A second later, their lips finally collided in a soft and soulful kiss. Andrew encircled her small waist and brought her closer to him, tenderly running his fingers through her auburn locks. Feeling pleasant butterflies in her stomach, Monica wrapped her arms around his neck and surrendered to that sweet caress, which only her beloved Andrew could give her.
When they parted, he also lay kisses on her cheeks and forehead and once again on her lips, “I love you so much, baby...” she heard him saying, while holding her tightly against him and smelling her sweet perfume. The Irish angel rested her head on his strong chest and nodded, “I love you too, Andrew...”
They spent a few minutes like that, just holding each other and treasuring that tender contact. It was Andrew who broke the silence, “Let’s go inside? I prepared breakfast.”
“Yes... To be honest... I’m quite hungry, you know.”
They pulled away and he kissed the back of her hand, “I prepared you everything you like... including an entire bottle of mocha!”
Giggling, she stopped briefly and grabbed his face with both hands, giving him three kisses on his lips, “You’re the sweetest angel in the whole universe!”
Later on that day, both angels decided to take a walk on the beach, now going much farther than what Monica had gone early in the morning. And she had the great idea to make a picnic so they took food and another thermos flask full of coffee inside the basket Andrew was carrying. With childlike excitement, the Irish angel felt the small waves against her ankles and had a different comment for every little thing that surrounded them and at a certain moment, Andrew let go off the basket of food and lifted the giggling angel in his arms, carrying her along the way, enjoying the sound of her giggles.
Holding each other’s hands and chatting happily, the two reached the end of the shore and then sat down under the shadow of a coconut tree. And much to the blond angel’s amusement, Monica started to guess the shape of the clouds that could be seen in the horizon.
“A four leaf clover, definitely!” she said, resting her back against his chest and enjoying to have his arms around her shoulders.
“I don’t think so, Monica, it looks more like a car...”
“A car? No, Andrew, this is definitely a four leaf clover!”
He decided not to argue with her and tried another cloud formation, “Okay... What about that one?”
She smiled as he pointed to the other cloud, “It’s a cute wee dog!”
Noticing how Andrew rolled his eyes and chuckled, she turned her head and faced him, “What? Don’t you think it’s a dog?” she asked, horrified with his ‘lack of vision’.
“Well...” he tried the best he could but there was no way that cloud could look like a dog, “... actually, no...”
Now it was Monica who rolled her eyes and raised her eyebrows, “You male angels... Honestly!”
Laughing at her annoyance, he kissed her cheek repeatedly and tightened his hold on her and both angels remained there, resting peacefully in front of the ocean. Once in a while, Andrew would caress her hair or rub his hands against her arms or play with her hand and fingers, listening to her soothing voice and her philosophical remarks about the world around them and about their love.
“I wish we could stay here some more time, you know...” she spoke, and felt him kissing the side of her head lovingly, “Me too, angel... But you know what? When I think that we’ll have all the eternity to stay together, I feel like the most blessed creature in the whole universe.”
With a cheerful smile, she turned her head to face him, “Me too, Andrew! Having your love makes me feel... complete...” She shifted her position in his arms so that they were face to face and her sweet expression along with the tender and loving way she looked at him caused the blond angel to feel a surge of emotions once again taking control of his heart. Of course he loved her deeply, he had been in love with her for a long time, even when they thought their relationship was only friendship. But on that day, for some strange reason yet unknown to him, he felt fascinated every time he looked at Monica. Having her so close to him made his heart beat faster and after contemplating her meek features he bent his head and brushed a loving kiss on her rosy lips, sure that there wasn’t anything sweeter than the flavour of her mouth – now mixed with the taste of the mocha that she had just finished to drink.
When they parted, he playfully rubbed his nose against hers and covered her face with tiny kisses. Some time later, the angels returned to the beach house and Andrew prepared their lunch – with the precious (and somewhat disastrous) help of his sweet valentine, who had to be gently convinced that chilli pepper and chocolate together were not a good idea for a salad dressing.
And they spent the rest of the day there, enjoying each other’s company and happily lying in each other’s arms, exchanging kisses and loving caresses and making love promises for the time they would meet again. Yet, the time to say goodbye soon arrived, even if they wanted to freeze the clock and have some more minutes for themselves.
“You know, I’m always sad when... when we have to say bye but... if there’s something that makes me happy other than being with you is doing the Father’s work.” Monica spoke, wrapping her arms more tightly around his waist, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms. They were now wearing different clothes, ready to go away as soon as Tess arrived and that could happen at any moment.
He nodded and caressed her long auburn hair, “You’re right, angel... Yet... I cannot stay away for long.” He pulled away and caressed her cheek, “I promise I’ll come by to check on you, sweetie. Even if it’s just to say I love you!”
A tearful smile appeared on her face, “Will I have a kiss too?”
Chuckling, he cupped her chin and inched closer to her, “Always!”
Once again, they shared a long loving kiss, aware that that wonderful sweet day spent at the beach house was now etched in their memory forever. That sweet caress soon became lots of tiny kisses and it was then that they heard someone clearing her throat right next to them and pulled away.
“Well, I’m sorry to inform you, angel babies, your day off has come to an end...” Amused, she raised her eyebrows, aware of their blushing faces to be caught up in the middle of a kiss, “... and for what I can see it must have been very a good day off, as the last time I saw you two you weren’t that close to each other!”
“Andrew and I talked about what happened... It’s all solved now, Tess.” Monica spoke, holding her beloved Andrew’s hand.
The supervisor nodded understandingly and was going to say something else when she noticed two empty bottles of coffee on the table, “But... what does that mean, for Heaven’s sake?” she turned her eyes to Andrew, who wanted to vanish at that very moment, “You said you’d stop being so lenient, what made you change your mind?”
Now the blond angel stammered a little and looked at Monica slightly embarrassed, which caused Tess to roll her eyes with mock annoyance, “Oh, for Heaven’s sake, forget it!” While the two angels exchanged an embarrassed but also amused glance, she grabbed her car keys, which were hanging on the wall, left there by Andrew on the previous night, and spoke again, “Now let’s get going, you two!”
Once again, the couple looked at each other and then back at the supervisor, “We both?”
“Yes, Miss Wings, you both! Our next assignment is exactly the way it’s supposed to be: we all together, so that I can keep an eye on my two angel babies and that you two can stay together like the cute angelic couple that you are!”
With broad smiles on their faces, they held each other and Andrew lifted the Irish angel off the floor, turning her around and kissing her lips repeatedly, which caused Tess to roll her eyes again (although she was trying to hide a pleased smile to see them both together and so happy).
“What are we waiting for? Let’s get going, we have some work to do!”
“Yes, ma’am!” Andrew replied, he and Monica kissing the supervisor’s cheeks.
They left the beach house and entered the red Cadillac parked outside, leaving that special place afterwards. And specially on that occasion, Andrew asked Monica to seat together with him, on the back seat; all day long, he’d had the same pleasant and urgent feeling to hold his angel girl tight and tell her over and over again that he loved her. Even if they had been joined as a couple with the Father’s blessing a while ago, at that very moment, he felt something new; it was as if he’d fallen in love with her again and needed to be close to her all the time, treasuring the feeling of having that sweet creature in his arms.
To be continued
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