Listening to the constant waves breaking outside the beach house, Monica paced slowly inside a baby's bedroom. A slight smile insisted on remaining in the corner of her lips, as she held in her arms the living proof of her and Andrew's love. Little Angela finally fell into a peaceful sleep after having her "night snack". Two months after her birth, the little angel baby looked more and more beautiful, and her calm and cheerful nature would always bring peace and enchantment to all the ones around her - all of them angels like her.


Adam, Rafael, Sam, and many other angels had paid her a visit, and were equally marvelled at the cute little being that their loving Father had created. Proud as any human grandmother would be, Tess was always around little Angela and making plans for her future as a supervisor and commenting on her "beautiful voice".


But at that very moment, there were only Monica and the baby girl inside the house. Her dearest friend had left on an assignment a day before, and Andrew had been away for weeks, going from place to place all around the world to fulfil his mission as a God's messenger. Knowing that brought some comfort to Monica's heart, but didn't lessen the sadness brought by his absence.


Sighing, the Irish angel kissed the top of Angela's head and observed the shiny silver bracelet on her chubby little arm. She had another one identical to that, and those objects immediately reminded her of the last time her family was reunited.


(Monica's flashback)


After some protest due to the slight delay on her lunch, little Angela was happily lying in her mother's arms, and while she nursed her baby daughter, the Irish angel listened Andrew washing and tidying up the dishes in the kitchen. She knew that that was one of those moments when we think existence couldn't be sweeter and wondered how much time that pleasurable routine would last.


Andrew entered the room moments later; smiling and visibly moved at the scene before his eyes he knelt in front of the armchair where Monica and Angela were, and tenderly caressed their daughter's auburn hair.


"Looks like someone is very happy!" he exclaimed, chuckling at the pleased expression on her meek face.


"I'm afraid it's not only this wee one here who is having a nice day, you know, Andrew..." Monica replied, "... It's all so perfect..."


Still with a slight smile, he was going to say something else when Angela finished her meal, and now she moved her tiny arms and made a baby sound in an attempt to call her parent's attention.


"Looks like it's your turn now, 'daddy'!" Monica joked, and carefully handed the baby to him.


The blond angel forgot what he was going to say and grinned proudly at the little angel that was now in his strong arms, "Hey, my little one! You wanna chat too, don't ya?"


Overwhelmed with emotion, he laughed when little Angela smiled at him, as if replying to his question.


Monica watched with permanent tears of happiness in her eyes as her beloved Andrew rocked the baby girl, who had found in his strong chest a comfortable place to rest.


"Tess told me that soon, her angelic nature will be stronger and she'll be able to go Home with us, you know, Andrew?" she said, tilting her head as she observed them.


"Yeah, she's growing up fast! It looks like it was yesterday that we brought her here!"


"And all these days have been some of the most beautiful days of my existence..."


He looked deep inside her sweet brown pools, always able to see the immense love she felt for him reflected in them, "Of mine too, angel..."


Monica remained sitting on the armchair where she used to feed Angela, and watched as her beloved husband paced slowly in the baby's room. They fell into a pleasant silence, occasionally changing one or two words, and chuckling at Angela's cheerful mood.


"Tess said that she'll be coming here later, as soon as she finishes her assignment. Then wee Angela will have her 'grandma' here too!"


Andrew tried to smile, but ended up sighing deeply, and lowering his head for a second - but it was enough for her to realise something was going on.


"What is it?"


The blond angel looked at her and knew he couldn't hide it anymore. Carefully, he lay their sleeping daughter in her arms once again, and placed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Angel... I... I received a message just now, when I was tidying up the things in the kitchen..."


He saw in the expression on her face when part of her happiness died immediately. Monica's sweet smile faded away and some tears were soon forming in the corner of her eyes. "When?"


"As soon as can I say goodbye to my family..." he replied, also feeling a lump forming on his throat in having to go away from them for the first time since Angela was born.


Biting her lower lip, the Irish angel nodded, and tried to be strong. "I understand... You're a servant of God... and there are people who need you out there..."


He moved his hand to caress her cheek with tenderness, "You need me too..."


Smiling, despite the silent tear that rolled down her face, she kept on talking, "Oh, yes, we do! We need you so much I can't even begin to measure how much... But every time I look into your eyes, I have the certainty that we'll always have you..." she let out a chuckle which was also a half sob, "... and you don't even have to use words to tell us so..."


When Andrew crossed the small distance between them she closed her eyes as a silent tear rolled down her cheek. He brushed his lips against hers lightly, as if enjoying the last precious moments with his beloved angel. It was a small kiss - not the last one, though, as he pulled away and waited until she opened her eyes again.


"I... I have something to give you... Something for you two..."


She saw it as he searched inside the pocket of his jacket. "You... you shouldn't..."


The blond angel showed her a small blue velvet box and, as she was holding a sleeping Angela in her arms, he opened it for her. "I was waiting for the right moment to give this to you..."


Inside the box, two sterling silver bracelets, each of them with a heart pendant.


"Andrew... they're beautiful... " she said, with a few tears in the corner of her eyes, ready to fall at any moment. "... they're so beautiful!"


Returning her moved smile, he took one of them and carefully wrapped it around her wrist. Then, he took her hand to his lips. "Just a little reminder that you two will always have my heart..."


As she tenderly caressed his handsome face, he reached up and took the smaller bracelet and wrapped it on Angela's wrist, kissing his daughter's tiny hand and her cute face repeatedly. "I love you, my little angel..."


When they looked at each other again, he was already wearing the beige suit, and Monica knew it was time to say goodbye. Without saying a word, he held her and his baby daughter in a warm embrace and their lips met one more time, now in a soulful kiss.


"I love you," she whispered, before his image faded away from her eyes, leaving her to wonder when they would see each other again.


(End of Monica's flashback)


Sighing deeply, she caressed Angela's soft auburn hair and whispered. "I miss him too, wee one... very much..."


She was gazing at the stars through the window, her thoughts all on her beloved Andrew, when a familiar voice was heard inside the bedroom. "Angel girl..."


The Irish angel turned around with a broad smile already playing on her lips to see her supervisor and dear friend.




"Hello, babies!" also smiling broadly, she held her dearest friend and kissed the top of Angela's head. "Isn't it amazing how this one day and a half away seemed months!"


"Oh, Tess, we're so happy you're back!" Monica replied, relieved that at least part of her family was there with her.


"I'm happy to be back too, angel girl..." the older angel replied, and then turned to the baby peacefully sleeping in her mother's arms, "Aww let me see my little angel girl!"


Chuckling at the way Tess always drooled on Angela, Monica placed the little angel in her arms and tilted her head, admiring the beautiful image.


"Look at her! It's been a day I'm off and she's grown up a little already! Isn't she a bit taller?" the supervisor spoke, smiling at her "granddaughter."


Trying to hold her giggling, Monica took some seconds to answer to that question, "Well... I'm not quite sure, you know, Tess... Being with her all the time sort of... prevents me from noticing these details..."


"Did you feed her already?" She suddenly asked, with typical worry.


"Oh, yes. This wee one is quite satisfied for tonight!"


"Good!" the supervisor spoke, "Then I guess you're ready to go!"


Still amused, the Irish angel frowned, "Go?"


Tess finally turned her eyes away from the little girl to look at her charge, "Yes, baby. I came back here with two assignments: the first one is to hold this precious little angel girl in my arms again!" she looked at Angela once again, and then kept on talking, "And the second is to tell you that Andrew needs you."


Monica's smile faded away and her face was now clouded with worry, "Andrew? What happened? Is he alright? I'll..."


"Oh, Angel boy is just fine! Nothing bad happened, baby!" the supervisor quickly put her heart at ease, "Andrew just needs a little help with his assignment, and you are exactly the one to go to him. There's been a new development and now this assignment requires two angels to be accomplished, and you two are the ones to do it."


Monica heaved a sigh of relief, a lot calmer now. "I'll do anything to help him, Tess, but what about..." she was looking to her daughter with concern.


"Are you kidding me? I'll take care of my little angel girl!" the old angel grumbled, frowning slight indignantly, and causing Monica to smile again.


"Would you, Tess?"


"What do you mean, 'Would you, Tess'?! That baby is my baby girl too! I'm forever assigned to taking care of her!"


Giggling, Monica gave two steps and kissed her cheek - there was no one she and Andrew would trust more to watch over wee Angela than that dear and wise friend, who they loved as a true mother.


"Thank you, Tess!"


Forgetting about her previous worry and with her attention back to Angela, she spoke again, "You can go now, angel girl. Tess will take care of this precious little angel, and will sing a song for her to have only good dreams!"


Monica was going to say something else but the supervisor was now pacing slowly with the baby in her arms, so entertained with what she was doing that the Irish angel elected not to disturb her. With a mix of amusement and emotion, she watched as Tess sat down on the armchair close to the crib and started to sing a lullaby. Her voice low and so soothing that no one could ever doubt it was an angel singing.


Smiling, Monica came closer to them and kissed her daughter's cheek, "I love you, sweetheart..."


A moment later she was gone, leaving the old supervisor with one of her favourite tasks: taking care of little Angela.


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