When Monica reappeared she was in the steps of an elegant hotel. A very important event was happening there, judging by the expensive cars parked outside and the elegant guests that were entering the modern building. For a moment, she felt lost: her clothes - a light lilac dress, a white cardigan and beige sandals, weren't appropriate for the occasion, and Andrew wasn't anywhere around.
But suddenly, she heard one of the security guards talking to her, "Your invitation, please, madam..."
She turned around ready to apologise but, before she knew it, there was a golden envelope in her hands. "I... here... here it is..." Monica spoke, giving it to the man, who immediately authorised her entrance in the building.
The Irish angel soon realised where the other guests were going and followed on the same direction. Soon, she was standing at the entrance of a luxurious hall, with a red carpet spread along a marble floor. Champagne was served while people were talking with each other, all of them very elegantly dressed.
A bit confused, she looked around, searching for her beloved Andrew. "Dear Father... why am I here? Please, send me a sign..." she whispered, giving some steps towards the hall.
And from a certain distance Monica finally saw a tall blond angel, with the sparkling green eyes and kind smile that had captured her heart forever. Andrew was wearing a black tuxedo, which made him look even more charming to her. He was talking to some other people and didn't see (or even know) that she was there. And Monica, for herself, didn't make any movement to come closer to him. Her beloved Andrew was so amazingly handsome and elegant that she elected to stay there and admire him at a distance. With a slight smile playing on her lips and brown eyes shining with love, the Irish angel placed her hand to her heart and sighed. Watching him speak with the usual charisma and kindness, added to his strong masculine features made her fall in love with him all over again.
She could have stayed there for some moments more when a voice suddenly took her out of her reverie.
"He's really attractive, isn't he?"
Monica turned to look to her side and saw a pretty young woman, also elegantly dressed and holding a glass of champagne. "I'm sorry?"
"Andrew," she pointed at the blond angel, "my boss' assistant. I wouldn't be surprised if this reception at this hotel was his idea. Ever since he started to work here, old Mr Swanson changed the way to see his employees and to control his company. I dare to say he is more... human now..." she explained, with a friendly smile.
"And do you think Mr Swanson's sudden change is because of Andrew's influence?" Monica wanted to know, with typical curiosity.
"Oh, definitely. After he arrived here the atmosphere in the company is different. I heard he'd leave soon, and to be honest with you, the only reason why I came here today was to... try to meet him, you know..."
There was an evident hint of surprise on the little angel's face as her mouth dropped open. It was about her Andrew that lady was talking about, and that sounded at least awkward to her. "Oh... I... I see... And... have you met him already?"
"No. I didn't have luck so far. He's been busy with these new investors all night long!" she spoke, with some impatience, "Do you think I could have a chance?"
"Well... I'm... I'm not sure about meeting him but I don't believe in luck..." Monica replied, and despite the woman's interest on Andrew, she didn't feel exactly jealous or threatened.
The woman finally turned her eyes away from Andrew and looked at Monica with curiosity. "Do you work for Mr Swanson too? I'm... I'm sorry to say that but I guess you were expecting some other kind of reunion when you left home..."
With a slight smile, Monica looked at her own clothes. "Well... I don't work for him and let's say that coming in here was a last-minute decision..."
"Oh, I see... Well, who really knows what's in fashion anyway?" she joked, "Are you here all by yourself? Are you looking for someone?"
"I... Yes, I was looking for someone but I guess he's quite busy right now, you know..."
"Oh, I understand... By the way, my name is Dana."
"Nice to meet you, Dana. I'm Monica." They shook hands with each other, and then looked at Andrew, who was now talking to a young man, also elegantly dressed. The two, along with some other people, moved away to another room and the young lady interested on him saw her opportunity go away once again.
"I guess you're right, Monica. I'm starting to believe luck is something that doesn't exist!"
"Well, yes, but I also believe that people should have a little more patience because what they want is not necessarily what they need. And wonderful things can come from where we least expect it."
"Seems you're never a quitter, Monica!"
"That's what my husband always says..."
"Oh, you're married?"
The smile on the angel's face grew wider, "Yes. And we have a beautiful baby daughter."
Dana returned her smile, truly glad to hear it. "Congratulations then! You're really lucky to have such a lovely family..." she quickly corrected herself, "... or should I say 'blessed'?"
"I guess 'blessed' is the perfect word to describe it!"
The young woman was going to say something else, but a group of four people arrived and waved at her. "Oh, my co-workers are here... Will you excuse me, Monica?"
"Oh, sure. I guess they are calling you..." she said, "And I also wonder if there's coffee somewhere around..."
Dana chuckled, "I... I don't believe they'll serve coffee in receptions like these!"
"I know," Monica winked at her, "I guess I'll pay a visit to the hotel's kitchen!"
They said goodbye and, slightly amused, the Irish angel shook her head as Dana walked away from her. She wondered if her assignment was to be there and talk to that young lady: the few minutes they chatted certainly weren't enough to make a difference in Dana's life, and the fact that she was interested in Andrew only made things a bit more difficult. Monica went away from the hall thinking about how lonely the young woman sounded, and praying in silence for some kind of help.
"Hey, Andrew, I'm just so grateful that you brought me to the Swanson's Company!" a young man spoke, approaching the group of young and shaking hands with the blond angel.
"Don't thank me, Bill! Mr Swanson asked me to find people with new ideas to give the company a breath of fresh air and you guys proved that you can make a difference here!"
The other people who were around them nodded, agreeing with Bill. Four young men and three ladies who apparently were at the same age. "He's right, Andrew. If it wasn't for you giving us an opportunity, I don't know where we'd be right now."
"I just wonder how you managed to convince Mr Swanson to give a bunch of guys who just left university a chance! I mean, he's a great businessman, but he's also known as a very difficult person to deal with, to say the least!"
Chuckling, Andrew tucked his hands inside his pockets and shrugged his shoulders, "Well, you just got to use the right words, Bill. You see, everybody needs some help once in a while, even old Mr Swanson. Just be ready to offer your help when you feel someone might need it, even if the person denies it in the first place. If he or she needs it, you'll know it from the start."
"Pity you're leaving, Andrew. Someone like you would sure make a difference here."
"Well, my assignment is over tomorrow and I'm sure you guys will do just fine without me here. Besides..." his lips curved in a broad smile, "... there are two beautiful ladies waiting for me and I just can't wait to hold them in my arms again!"
They laughed, knowing who he was talking about.
"You're one lucky guy!"
"Well, if you ask me, Bill, I don't believe in luck; but you can say I'm very blessed!"
A few minutes later, after having a warm cup of decaffeinated mocha, the Irish angel politely thanked the people at the hotel's kitchen - who were all enchanted with her friendly personality, and headed back to the hall where the other guests were. Facing the carpeted floor, she walked with a pensive expression on her face, still wondering why she was there. But suddenly a familiar voice reached her ears and immediately made her heart race.
Monica raised her head and saw her dear Andrew at the end of the corridor. And, once again, his image caused her to stop walking and sigh: feeling butterflies in her stomach, all she wanted was to be in his arms again - she had certainly fallen in love again. "Andrew..."
A heartbeat later, he was holding her tightly, easily lifting her off the floor a little, intoxicated with the sweet perfume of her hair, and hearing her soothing voice whispering close to his ear, “Oh Andrew, I missed you so much...”
He pulled away and gently lay both hands on each side of her delicate face, and then his lips met hers in a sweet, tender kiss. The way Andrew was holding her - strongly but at the same time with usual delicacy, and the musky smell of his cologne made her knees grow weak; she was limp in his arms.
Small kisses followed this one, and then the blond angel held her tightly once again, not believing that his beloved angel girl was in his arms after weeks being apart. "Monica... angel... This was one of the best surprises I've ever had!"
When Monica finally faced him again, the power of his green eyes nearly hypnotised her, and for a moment words escaped her. "I... was ready to go to bed when... when I was told to be here with you... Tess told me you needed my help..." she finally managed to say.
Not really sure of the real reason why she was there, he chuckled and caressed her meek face, "Well... I always need you, angel... This is a fact that will never change..." He said, kissing her lips softly once again. "How are you? And Angela? Where is she? Did you bring her with you?"
Even though she had a questioning look on her face, the Irish angel smiled at the memory of their baby daughter. "Well, our wee one had dinner and when I left the house she was sleeping peacefully in the arms of another angel, who was singing her a beautiful lullaby!"
Picturing that scene, Andrew let out a contented sigh, wanting nothing but to be there with his family. "God, I missed you two so much..."
"We missed you too, Andrew..." she returned his loving gaze, "... when Tess arrived at the beach house and told me I should come to you I thought... I thought that you were having problems with your assignment, but then... looking at this place... and at you... You're so handsome..." she moved her hands from his shoulders to his chest, admiring his elegant clothes, "... I'm wondering what can be wrong..."
Chuckling, he shook his head and took her both hands to his lips, "Well, it wasn't an easy assignment, but the old Mr Swanson finally understood that money can't buy everything." He explained, "To be honest with you, this assignment is at the end already..."
"But... there was this lady, I thought..." with a confused expression on her face, Monica's words drifted off as Andrew looked at her equally confused - but always amused at the way she put her thoughts in order.
"Something tells me you got yourself another assignment, Monica..." he joked, finding the expression on her face adorable.
"Well, we talked a little and... I guess I'll find out more about her, Andrew, she seemed so... so sad..."
"But you won't get any information if you stay here..." he grabbed her hand, "C'mon, there are some people I'd like you to meet!"
Monica blushed a little and then looked at herself shyly, "Oh, Andrew, I'm afraid I'm not properly dressed for the occasion..." then, she looked at his elegant tuxedo once again; her heart melting with love. "...contrary to you... You're so handsome..."
Chuckling, he caressed her cheek with usual tenderness and then cupped her chin, making her look at his eyes, "You're the one who's beautiful, angel... The most gorgeous angel I've ever seen in my whole existence!" he spoke, committing to memory every little detail of her pretty face: her delicate features and captivating smile, the way her brown eyes sparkled at him and her cascading auburn hair, which was partially tied up, with a few loose strands next to her ears.
Their eyes were locked with each other once again and this time nothing could break their loving gaze. "I love you..." the Irish angel whispered, feeling a pleasant shiver running down her spine when he crossed the small distance between them. When Andrew brushed his lips against hers, all she could do was close her eyes and, with her arms permanently wrapped around his neck, surrender to that sweet caress.
What the couple didn't notice was that the corridor where they were wasn't entirely empty: Dana, the young woman who had spoken to Monica a few minutes earlier, was standing in its corner, and watched that romantic scene with sad blue eyes. Sighing deeply, she turned around, afraid to be seen, and left the corridor in a hurry.
Dana crossed the hall where the guests were with quick steps, desperately looking for a place where she could stay alone. Finally, she found another corridor and a balcony at its end.
"I should have known..." she whispered, once she was sure there was nobody around, "Nothing I want seems to be made for me..."
The reception was taking place in one of the floors of that elegant building, and looking from the balcony the streets and cars passing by seemed very small. A lonely tear rolled down her face and then drifted off with the wind. "Soulmates... There's not such thing for me... Guess I'm bound to spend my life alone... as everyone I want already belongs to someone else..."
She remained there for some time, lost in sad thoughts as she watched the shining stars up in the sky. Suddenly, however, a noise took her out of her reverie: Bill, the young investor Andrew had brought to the Swanson's Organisations came into the balcony. At first he didn't see Dana, but when she turned around and faced him, the young man was quick to apologise.
"I'm sorry, miss, I thought there wasn't anybody here..."
"It's... it's alright, I... I was about to leave anyway..." she said, not wanting to face him, embarrassed with her sad tears.
"No, I'm the one who bothered you, I..." he noticed her crying as she came nearer, "Are you alright, miss?"
"I'm... Excuse me..." she tried to leave the balcony but he insisted.
"Please, if there's anything I can do to help... Maybe just talk..."
Dana stopped her walk towards the balcony door and turned around, eyeing him with surprise in her teary pools.
"I'm a good listener..." Bill offered her a handkerchief, suddenly feeling compassionate for that pretty young lady, who seemed to be extremely lonely.
During the time Andrew was fulfilling his assignment, he was staying in one of the hotel rooms. And from the window of his room, standing only one floor above that same balcony, he and Monica observed the couple with a bit of surprise.
"And after all you told me, angel, I can't help saying there isn't such thing as a coincidence..." Andrew spoke, with his arms permanently wrapped around her shoulders.
Monica was resting her head against his chest and nodded. "Do you know that there's a quote that says 'Coincidence is God's way to staying anonymous.'?" she said, "But this is when our job is more useful, you know, Andrew? We are here to reveal Who is anonymous, so that people realise they're all part of a perfect plan, and not the product of a series of disorganised events."
Chuckling, Andrew turned his face away from the young couple, who was now chatting friendly, and kissed the tip of her nose, "I missed this, you know..."
"Missed what?" she wanted to know, eyeing him with childish curiosity.
"Your philosophical remarks about life and what surrounds you..." he studied every little detail of her meek face and caressed her cheek lovingly, "... but then, there isn't one single thing I didn't miss about you, my angel."
"You said you can't leave now..." she spoke, moved with the immense love she felt for him, feeling her heartbeats accelerating just to think about how much she loved him.
A bit sad, he sighed and nodded, "Yes... Mr Swanson has to be sure that the young man there in that balcony is the one to replace him in his company, as he has no family..." he explained, watching his own face reflected in her sweet brown pools.
"I'm not going anywhere either..." Monica quickly replied, gazing at him with tenderness and affection.
Her words somewhat surprised him: Andrew couldn't even believe his dear Monica was really standing there, before him and telling him she would stay by his side, "What if... Angela wakes up?"
"...Our little one only wakes up with the rising sun and I'll be there with her before the day begins, but now..." she touched his handsome face; her fingertips brushing lightly against his lips, "... now I just can't go..."
The blond angel cupped her chin, his lips just inches away from hers, "I guess I... just can't let you go either, angel," he kissed her lightly, briefly, before speaking again, "My angel..."
Their lips met on the following second, and the soulful kiss they shared was followed by many others. He wrapped his strong arms more firmly around her small form and the two angels rejoiced with the fact they would spend the rest of the night there: in each other's arms, whispering loving words and making new promises of eternal love.
To be continued
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