Episode 41 - The Valentine's day surprise

The Irish angel walked along the street with a contented smile playing on her lips. Despite the cold weather and the dry leaves on the tree canopies, she felt all sunny deep inside her heart: another assignment had ended well. With patience and her incredible people's skills, Monica had managed to join back together a couple that would go on separate ways after two years of engagement. After hearing the message sent by their loving Father, Jessica and Jonathan realised how much they loved each other and how much they had to be accomplished during their life. Two souls that would be forever joined with God's blessing and who would watch with joy as their children grew happy and make the world a better one.


And all because one day an angel of God told them what they needed to hear. Although angels didn't use to segment their existence like human beings, it was undeniable that as the years passed Monica was becoming more sensitive and able to understand the human's nature, as she herself had a compassionate and loving heart - like very few angels like her. She let out a sigh as she tucked her hands on the overcoat pockets. It was cold at that time of the year. As she walked along the sidewalk, her smile grew a bit wider when she remembered the two other angels who also had a heart like hers.


Relief filled her soul at the thought that Tess was probably holding wee Angela in her arms right now, and speaking to her - or singing to the little girl, even though last Christmas they had found out Angela had a taste for her mommy's singing voice. Not quite pleased with that, Tess was determined to teach her "granddaughter" how to sing, though. As the gentle sunrays touched her face, Monica wondered where her other precious treasure was. Andrew had been away from her for weeks now and she missed him terribly. Through their connection, she knew he was alright, though, and it was enough to put her heart at ease. They would meet again. They always did.


Being away from her beloved Andrew was like a life without music or like a night without stars. There was no way she could imagine herself without the one angel who she trusted her heart with, the one she had vowed to love for the rest of eternity. And the angel of death's absence was even more painful in special days like that one.


On her way back to the car, Monica walked along the streets observing as delivery boys rushed here and there carrying bouquets of flowers in their hands, or as boyfriends carried beautiful red roses while heading to meet their beloved girlfriends. Once in a while, couples passed by, hands entwined and a happy expression on their faces. The little Irish angel always cheered to watch other people's joy - it also made her extremely pleased. But being away from her Andrew and on a day like that caused her heart to ache with sadness. The only thing that soothed her soul was to know that he was doing the Father's work and therefore taking joy and hope to other people.


When Monica finally made her way up to the Cadillac, she pulled its door open and was about to get in when she saw a small lilac envelope right on the driver's seat. Frowning with curiosity, she took the envelope in her hands and before opening it, she looked around her, in search for anybody who could have left it there. But seeing no one, the angel looked at the small envelope again and turned it around. On its back, a familiar handwriting:


"Your Valentine Day's present, angel."


Her lips curved in a happy smile as she read it and she wasted no time in opening the small love letter.


"It'll be delivered at the following place, at the following time.

There is a map included in the envelope.

Be there for me, angel.

PS. I love you always.




Deeply moved, as she thought they wouldn't see each other so soon, Monica caressed the coloured paper and placed the small note against her heart.


"Oh, Andrew... I love you so much... Beyond words..." she whispered, closing her eyes for a moment, picturing his face, his loving gaze and beautiful smile at her. Seconds later, she opened up her eyes again and got inside the Cadillac, heading to the spot indicated in the note.




The place Andrew had told her to go was far away from the city. He knew his beloved angel girl well enough to include a small map in the envelope, containing a detailed explanation about the right location she should be. Monica drove along the road with a permanent smile on her face, her doe-like eyes sparking with happiness at the thought that soon she and Andrew would be together again. How she longed to be in his strong arms and tell him once again that she loved him!


The Irish angel stopped the car twice to double check if she was following the right directions. She turned the paper to the left, to the right and biting her lower lip, she nodded her head afterwards. The small trip went on well over an hour later, the Irish angel finally arrived a the spot set on the paper. It was a beautiful place up in the mountains and there was a breathtaking view from the cliff. The green grass felt so smooth underneath her boots that if it weren't cold, she would have removed them and stood barefoot. Despite the slightly chilly air, there weren't clouds in the sky and the sun that had shone all day long would soon set behind the mountains.


The horizon went from blue to yellow and then to shades of orange and purple. Wondering where her beloved Andrew could be, as she didn't expect to find the place completely empty, Monica sighed. She looked around her one more time, and the beautiful scenario ahead of her ended up calling her attention.


The little angel remained hypnotised by the beautiful view for some time, lifting her prayers of thanks for all the blessings she had received on that day. But suddenly, Monica felt her heart beating faster, and she gasped at the immediate feeling that "someone" she loved deeply was very close to her.


As he approached the little angel, Andrew chuckled and was careful enough not to make any sound. With a red rose in his right hand, he walked slowly, wishing that his sweet angel girl remained with her back turned to him. A moment later he was standing right behind her and gently covered her eyes. Monica's smile grew wider and she immediately covered his hand with hers. And without turning around, she removed his hand from her face and gently placed it against her heart.


"I don't need to look, you know. My heart is already telling me that there is someone I love very much standing close to me..." she said, "... see how fast it beats?"


Still smiling broadly, the blond angel gave a step forward and now stood in front of her, never removing his hand from hers. "Then it'll keep beating like this for the centuries to come, baby, because close to you is where I'll always be."


Monica was looking at him like a fascinated child as they had been apart for over three weeks. Finally, he took her hand to his lips and gave her the red rose he was carrying. "For you, baby."


She gladly accepted the flower, gently running her fingertips along the delicate velvet petals. "It's beautiful, Andrew."


"Not as much as you," he spoke, and gently cupped her cheek, drinking in every little detail of her meek face. There was a moment of silence between the two angels, but lots of loving words were certainly spoken through the power of their gaze.


Monica was soon lost in the spark of his Andrew's green pools and a few moments later their eyes began to close. It was then that Andrew crossed the small distance between them and pressed his lips against hers, in a long loving kiss. Wrapped up in each other's arms, they remained as that loving caress went on, and later turned into small kisses, but not less loving ones. Andrew still kissed her forehead and gently caressing her face, he smiled at her.


"I can see you found my note..."


With a trembling smile, as she was still dazed from their kiss after so long weeks of separation, Monica lowered her head for a second, and then looked back at him, "I was afraid, you know..."


"Afraid? Of what, baby?" he wanted to know, softly brushing his thumb against her cheek, frowning with slight concern.


"Of two things. I thought we would spend the Valentine's day away from each other, Andrew... I... I understand we were created to accomplish God's work and I resign to the fact that I cannot have you always by my side... in person, I mean. But seeing those couples together and so in love made me miss you even more..."


His expression softened and he shook his head, never getting enough of her sweet face. Andrew placed a tiny kiss on her lips one more time. "My angel... I missed you so much too, sweetie. Yes, we are meant to fulfil our assignments and take God's love and hope to the ones in need but I would have found a way to come to you... even if it was for just a few seconds, long enough to tell you once again that I love you, and that I always will."


She let out a small giggle, which was also a half sob.  "I'm glad we have a wee bit more than that!"


Also smiling, he nodded his head, "Yes, we do. Long enough for me to deliver your Valentine's Day present!"


As he said that, Andrew pulled away and reached for something inside the pocket of his black leather jacked. It was a cute knitted woollen hat. "Here, I want you to put this..."


Monica took the piece of garment in her hand and examined it. "It's... it's a beautiful present, Andrew..."


Highly amused, he let out a small laughter. "This is not your Valentine's present, angel!"


"Oh... it isn't?" she spoke, her clueless personality was one of the many things that made her incredibly adorable to him.


Andrew took the hat in his hand and gently placed it on her head, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ears. Then he contemplated her pretty meek face. "There, you're protected from the cold now. And amazingly cute! I also brought you a woollen coat and a blanket, in case you feel you need them. It's chilly out here at night."


"I..." she was slightly confused, though never less joyful, and before she could complete her sentence, Monica saw that a white towel was spread on the grass. On it, there was a picnic basket, the blanket and coat that Andrew had mentioned and a warm fire lit up close to them. She looked at all the new elements, which were not there when she arrived, and then back at him. "Andrew!"


"I hope it's comfortable enough for you!"


The little angel opened her mouth to say something, but the words ended up dying in her mouth and she wrapped her arms around his waist instead. "You know what was the second thing I was afraid of?" she said, burying her face on his strong chest.


"What was it, angel?" he returned the loving embrace, tenderly rubbing her back.


"That I could make a mistake and end up at the wrong place... and then we would never meet..." she looked up at him, "... but I'm happy I got it right!"


It was one of those moments when Andrew needed extra time to select his words very carefully. "Well... y-yes..."


But if there was something Monica had learned, it was to read his unspoken thoughts. "I... I made a mistake? Oh, dear, it's not the right place, is it?" She frowned with worry.


"Actually, you got it right, Monica. You see... It's just that I was expecting you to appear at the other cliff, the one a bit ahead on the road." He quickly replied, not wanting her to feel bad about such a small mistake.


"That's why I didn't find you when I arrived..."


"Well, it doesn't matter right now, as this very spot is just as perfect for me to deliver your present!" he winked at her, causing the little angel in his arms to tilt her head and look at him with an adorable curious expression.


"If it's not the hat, what is it then, Andrew?"


With a mischievous smile, he kissed the tip of her nose. "I'm afraid I can't tell you right now..."




"Because it's a surprise!" he replied, enjoying to play that game with her.


Realising that he wouldn't reveal what he had prepared so soon, Monica sighed. "Then I must tell you that I too have a surprise for you..."


"A surprise?"


Now she got him curious, she nodded her head as excited as a seven-year-old. "Yes! It's in the car and I was keeping it waiting for the day we would meet again..."


She left him for a few seconds and returned with a tiny present box, carefully wrapped up in dark green paper and with a matching ribbon around it. "For you..." the angel said, "... Happy Valentine's Day, Andrew!"


Smiling and overwhelmed with tenderness, he took the present in his hands and, before opening it, he leaned over and kissed her lips softly. "Oh, Monica... You didn't have to, but know from the start that I already love it."


Monica watched with attentive and anxious eyes as he unwrapped the small present box. Inside it, he found a silver keyring. There was one small key hanging on it and a heart shaped silver pendant attached to its chain.


"It's beautiful, angel..." he said, though he knew (and she knew) that he would treasure anything that came from her like a precious gift.


"The wee heart is a locket, it opens in two, you know..." she said, biting her lips nervously as he opened the silver heart. And what he saw inside it caused his heart to ache with  much love. A very small picture of Monica and Angela resting their cheeks together and with a broad smile. It was in moments like those that one could see the strong similarity between mother and daughter - the dimples on the cheek and chin, the smile, the colour of hair and the meek Gaelic features that were so remarkable in both of them.


Andrew was speechless for a moment. "Angel... I... It's such a beautiful present..." his voice was a bit hoarse with emotion. "Just so beautiful, baby..."


"This way you can see us when we're all apart... I know how you feel, as I feel the same..."


"I'll keep it close to me forever. They're a reminder of the two most precious blessings I could ever be granted with." He stroked her cheek with gentle fingers. "And I love you two so much..."


Monica's broad smile at him only caused his heart to melt a second time. "I'm happy you liked it, Andrew!"


"I love it. Thank you, angel..."


He held her in his arms again and lay another gentle kiss on her lips. When he pulled away, the Irish angel looked at him cheerfully. "And you didn't ask me about this wee key..."


Chuckling, as he could see the playful look in her eyes, he nodded. "And what is this little key for, may I ask?"


"It's key to my heart!" she said, happy to hear a small laughter in reply. "Though you had it with you all the time!"


Laughing, he kissed her forehead and took her hand in his own. "You are so amazingly adorable, Monica! Would you give me the honour to watch the sunset with me? I bought a basket with fruits and sandwiches so we can have a little snack!" he said, gently guiding her to where the white towel was.


Monica looked at his handsome face slightly anxious. "Is there coffee?" she asked, causing him to chuckle again.




In Andrew's arms, Monica watched as the sun slowly disappeared in the horizon and the first stars started to shine together with the full moon. The fire and the warm clothes they were wearing protected them from the cold air of the mountains and when the night fell completely the silver moonlight still allowed them to see the series of hills and valleys that lay on that part of the country. Apart from the animals that inhabited that place, and which were fast asleep right now, Monica and Andrew were the only living creatures in there.


He was resting his back on a small rock and had cradled his angel girl in his arms after they had a delicious snack - with an entire bottle of mocha only for her. As she observed the starry sky, he kept on absentmindedly playing with a lock of her hair, delivering soft kisses on her face once in a while.


"It's all so beautiful... so quiet..." she spoke, comfortably leaning on his chest as both of her legs rested right over his right one. "It makes us really feel there's a greater power watching over us..."


"It does... though I can easily feel there's a loving God blessing me with wonderful gifts whenever I look at you and Angela..." he said, caressing her face and grateful that she turned her eyes from the stars above to look at him.


And there was so much of her unconditional love in those sweet brown pools he didn't resist and inched forward, brushing his lips against hers, delighting in the sweet flavour of her mouth, now mixed with mocha taste. Monica surrendered to that caress and lay her hand against his handsome face, wanting that romantic kiss to last for longer. When they pulled away it was just for a second, as another kiss started and this one ended up in tiny pecks over her cheeks and chin and back on her rosy lips.


"If this is my Valentine's present I can say I'm deeply enjoying it..." she whispered, smiling happily as she rubbed her nose against his and then kissed him and stroked his face.


Chuckling, Andrew kissed her lips once again and totally against his will he made a pause in his caresses. "To tell you the truth, if we go on like this we'll end up missing your present..." he said, playfully touching the tip of her nose. Then he reached for his pocket watch and checked the hour. "Hum... It's almost time!"


Much to his amusement, Monica narrowed her eyes and sighed, gazing at him as if trying to read his thoughts and find out the reason for so much mystery. "What is it you're planning after all, mister angel of death?"


"Okay, Monica, I'm gonna show you..." He gently made her change her position in his arms so that now she was leaning her back against his chest and facing the horizon and the open sky. Then, he wrapped one arm around her shoulders and another one around her waist and whispered softly against her ear. "Look above, angel. There is your Valentine's day present!"


Andrew kissed her cheek and before she could say something, Monica gasped at what she saw. She squeezed his arm as the first falling star crossed the sky, followed by one, two, three... many of them, and soon the sky was covered by a silver twinkle with the meteor shower. Now everything made sense to her! Andrew's mystery, the reason why he had brought her there, how he carefully arranged everything!


"Oh, Andrew! Look! It's a meteor shower! It's beautiful!" she pointed out, watching as shining celestial bodies crossed the clear sky, even more beautiful with the full moon to complete that scenario. But Andrew had to look away from the show right before his eyes and watch her childlike excitement, her doe-like eyes sparkling like the stars on the sky. He had accomplished his assignment.


Monica soon felt his tender gaze and turned to look at him, meeting warm green pools filled with nothing more than utmost love.


“Don't you want to make a wish?” he playfully asked, running soft fingertips against her delicate face, committing to memory every little detail of her meek Gaelic features.


The Irish angel shook her head, tears of emotion already forming in the corner of her eyes. "It won't be necessary... Remember when you taught me about the galaxies and the universe?"


"How could I ever forget that, baby? I had never seen you more beautiful then..."


She captured his hand in hers and once again, placed it against her heart. "Even if all the stars in the universe crossed the sky before our eyes, they wouldn't be enough to express all the blessings I've been granted when you gave me your love..."


With tenderness, Andrew smiled as a lonely tear made its way down her cheek. He captured it with his finger and that moment a surge of love and devotion nearly overwhelmed him. It was as intense as his gaze at her eyes.


"We're even then... Because my love for you will live longer than those stars could ever live... It's eternal."


As he had predicted, fresh tears fell down from her eyes and he pressed her against his body, daring to tighten the embrace around her a bit more, and they continued to watch the beautiful show up in the sky.


When it was close to the end, the blond angel turned to her with the permanent warm and gentle smile on his face. "Now... even though you're not gonna make a wish, I want you to close your eyes!"


As he reached out to wipe away her tears, Monica sniffled and sobbed. "I'm sorry... I love you so much, Andrew..."


"I love you too, my pretty Monica!"


She swallowed hard and then obliged to his request. But Andrew took the time study her face once again, aware that those pretty features were already etched in his heart forever. "Monica..." he whispered.


"Andrew..." she replied back, and slowly moved her hand to caress his cheek lovingly.


He leaned over and soon the small distance between them was replaced by another sweet and tender kiss, which she welcomed with the same affection, the same love that brought them together, and this time only the moon and the shooting stars in the firmament were the witnesses of their everlasting love.




To be continued



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