He did not know how long he had been walking, nor how he got there. But the angel of death felt an urgency inside his heart he could not explain but which made him go ahead, looking for something or someone in that vast green field. There were trees not far from where he walked, small hills crossed by a water stream and bushes with wild flowers added more beauty to what was already a place blessed by God. The blue sky had just a few cotton-like clouds that passed by lazily, not able to hide the warm sunrays that shone across the land.


But at that moment, the angel’s attention was not in the gorgeous scenario that surrounded him, for his green eyes finally found something even more beautiful.


Monica was sitting under the shadow of an oak tree staring at an invisible point ahead of her. Her auburn locks had the habitual glow and were flying up with the gentle breeze. She was barefoot and wearing a white long dress and her image only made Andrew walk faster towards her. Only when he came closer, however, did he notice her downcast brown eyes were filled with tears, and he felt that his duty was to make it end no matter what.




His hand over her shoulder caused a slight trembling to run over her body and she turned around to look at him. Andrew knelt right in front of her, his dark pools searching for her brown ones and he tried to find an answer to all that sorrow.




“Please, don’t cry... Not anymore...”


“I don’t know what else to do...”


He stroked her cheek, never breaking the eye contact with her. “I’ll do whatever it takes to end up your sadness... It’s all that matters to me right now!”


A small sob escaped her as she covered his hand with hers. “Please promise me you’ll never go away...”


He smiled – despite her suffering, he had a reason to exist other than doing the Father’s work, as she was asking him to remain by her side. It was all he wanted to hear. “I promise you, Monica... I’ll never leave you, never! I vow to be with you for the rest of my eternity, to protect you and to fill your life with joy.”


The Irish angel returned his smile, at least she had something to hold on to; her Andrew would always be hers. “I feel such a selfish creature right now...” she spoke, their faces were just a few inches from each other. “Because having you by my side, Andrew... this is what I’ve been praying for since that day in the hospital, when you were seriously hurt... it broke my heart and I was so desperate...”


He lay his both hands on each side of her face, thumbs gently wiping her tears away. She could feel his warm breath against her skin. “I’m here, angel...”


Silence followed his last words, deep love was written in their eyes but there was no need to express it with words.  Andrew dared to cross the distance between them and captured her lips with his, in a soulful kiss that made both angels’ hearts skip a beat with a multitude of loving feelings. He kept on holding the side of her face while his other hand brushed her auburn locks, fingers entwined in her perfumed long hair as the kiss went on, lasting for a small eternity...


Monica rolled over the bed and suddenly opened her eyes: they were wet with tears as the dream that seemed so real had finally come to an end.


What she did not know was that in the room next door, a very surprised Andrew had woken up after having the same dream.




“Congratulations, Andrew. You’re doing great, just great!” Doctor Stevens spoke, after examining his patient’s injured leg. “Your recovery is really impressive.”


“I’m glad to hear it, doctor. But there’s someone who deserves all the credit.” The angel in human form replied, shooting a tender glance at the Irish nurse standing by the door. He had insisted that she should be present at the appointment and truth to be told, Monica did want to be there to hear that piece of good news.


“Andrew is a very good patient and put in a lot of effort in his recovery, doctor.” She informed, proud of her dear valentine.


“Oh, I totally believe it!” The old man made a few notes in his appointment book and then smiled at the couple. “Well, Andrew, you’re free from the crutches. Though you should be cautious when you step; you cannot run a marathon yet, but so far I can say you’re free to take a beautiful lady out to the dance!”


Dr. Stevens winked at his patient and Andrew replied with a smile, daring to look at Monica as if checking if she was comfortable with the man’s little joke. And he could not be more pleased to see the hint of a smile on her beautiful face as well.


When they left hospital, now walking side by side, there was an atmosphere of relief but also with uncertainty in the air. Andrew still had to take care of his physical condition, his human body had not totally healed even though medical assistance was not needed any longer. And that meant one thing...


“You’ve been awfully quiet since we left hospital.” Andrew spoke, not managing to take his eyes from her: she was absolutely gorgeous under the afternoon sun; her hair cascaded over her shoulders almost up to her waist in an auburn glow, framing her beautiful face where he could study every delicate feature, perfectly shaped by God Himself. Her rosy lips and cheeks, the straight nose and jaw bones, the way she bit her lower lip in apprehension as she thought about a reply to his remark.


“I was thinking that... that I’m happy for you, you see. You’ve been through hard times in the last couple of months and now you are practically fully recovered.”


“And I’m grateful for that.”


Monica let out a sad sigh. “I guess my assignment is finished then...”


“Exactly. And I’m grateful for that too.”


She stopped her walk abruptly at his words. The look on her face was one of shock and it would turn to be one of disappointment too if Andrew had not concluded his thought.


“You’ve done so much for me, Monica. You’ve been at my side all this time, taking care of me and making sure I was alright.” He took her hand in both of his. “There is no way I can repay you, but there are some places I would like to take you and I just couldn’t because of those silly crutches and wheelchair.”


Saying this, he hailed a cab that was passing by and as the driver pulled over, he turned to her again. Monica eyed him with an adorable mix of confusion and relief and Andrew could not resist touching her cheek with his fingertips. “Do you think you can be ready in two hours?”


“R-ready? I’m sorry, I don’t understand, Andrew...”


“I’ll pick you up at your apartment. There’s a restaurant downtown I’d like to take you. It’s nothing overly sophisticated; it’s simple but elegant and there’s a lovely view to the ocean.”


The Irish angel didn’t know what to do apart from accepting his invitation; it was painful to be near him knowing that he did not remember her, but it would be twice more painful to be away from him as their future seemed uncertain now. Since the accident with Andrew and his consequent memory loss, time on Earth had passed terribly slowly to her. Amazingly on that day, it seemed to fly and the two-hour term Andrew had established was soon over.


He stood by her door precisely at 7 o’clock that evening, not too elegantly dressed but charming in his khaki pants, white polo shirt and brown leather shoes. A small bouquet with perfumed lilacs rested in his hands. Monica could not help eyeing him with admiration and tenderness – her dear Andrew’s human form would always elicit a sigh of wonder from her. And with Andrew it wasn’t different: his sweet friend was wearing a lovely v-necked dark green dress that went up to her knees and beige sandals with medium heels that made her a little taller. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail but some of its strands were loosen around her face and ears, leaving him to contemplate her pretty face and joyful eyes that were sparkling back at him.


While he thought that he was making progress on an assignment, Monica hoped that his memory was giving signs of recovery.


“Good evening!” he said, his boyish smile making her heart swell with love.


“Good evening, Andrew... I think I’m ready...” came her soft reply.


“And I’m fortunate to have such a beautiful companion!”


She tilted her head and eyed him with affection, the smile never disappearing from her face. When Andrew offered the little bouquet with lilacs, Monica had to make extra effort not to cry. “They are lovely... thank you.”


“What did I tell you about ‘thank you’s’?”


“I don’t think no one can meet you and not thank you at least once.” She said, with utmost sincerity.


The night started tense for both of them. Monica held hopes that their date would trig some flashback, that it would make his memory return at some point, but at the same time she feared everything could be in vain and that he could spend years living among humans without remembering his story. Andrew, on the other hand, was expecting nothing more than her allowing him to be part of her life; there was nothing in the world that could make him happier other than to see that beautiful and sweet human being smiling back at him, with no sadness in those pretty brown eyes.


They arrived at the restaurant a while later, and their table was set outdoors, on a deck from which there was a lovely view to the ocean. There were no clouds in the sky and it was filled with twinkling stars, and a full moon compensated the absence of the sun; there was soft breeze and the crashing of the waves at a distance melted with the soft music in the air. A perfect summer night made their initial worries vanish and the conversation flow like it always would whenever they were together.


“The smell with the ocean mixed with the flowers reminds me of my beloved Ireland.” She let out a sigh, looking at the night sky with a dreamy eyed expression.


Andrew was suddenly worried. “I hope it doesn’t bring sad memories.”


“Oh, no. No, it doesn’t. Actually, I pray to be back there soon...” she was imagining a day when he would remember who he was and the story they shared.


“It might bring you great memories, judging by this smile on your face.”


“It does. And I hope that someday those memories become more than memories.”


He was going to say something but the soft melody that was playing in the background was replaced by a lovely song and some couples saw in it an invitation to start dancing.


The two angels in human form watched it and Andrew offered his hand. “May I have this dance?”


There was no second thought, no ‘what if’s’, not the sadness of their forgotten story. When he made the invitation, all she could do was to take his proffered hand and let him guide her along the hall. The Irish angel was following her nature by allowing him to take the lead and conduct her.


Her instincts conducted her, and they would always lead her to Andrew. He could not remember their story right now, but at least she would have an opportunity to relive the emotion of being in his arms once again. Reality was too painful at the moment, so Monica decided to close her eyes and imagine they were the two angelic soul mates who once found themselves completely in love. The Irish angel had noticed he was accomplishing an assignment or if that she saw in his emerald eyes was his love for her, so deep that not even a memory loss could erase.


Andrew twirled her around and felt the most grateful creature in the universe as she smiled at him, two souls connected in one loving emotion. When she faced him once again, Andrew wrapped his arm around her waist while his hand held Monica’s and they swayed gracefully along the hall. minutes later, they were experiencing the unification of their souls.


And all of a sudden that connection grew even stronger, up to the point of making them stop dancing and just stare at each other, speaking through silence the language they both knew so well. Like nature following its course, Andrew’s eyes surveyed every small feature of her meek face. Those sweet brown eyes were gazing back at him with an extra spark, a mix of enchantment and joy. Her beautifully shaped eyebrows slightly raised, rosy cheeks flushed due to the dance and to excitement; equally rosy lips slightly open, dangerously claiming his own like an invitation he could never refuse.


And the power of Andrew’s gaze was so intense that it prevented Monica to react against it. She had already considered his interest on her could be much more than just his wanting to help a child of God. But at the same time, she wondered if it was right to allow their relationship to grow deeper while he still could not remember a part of his past. But then again, who was she to fight against the daily will to hold and kiss him, to be in his arms and tell him about her love?


On the following moment, Andrew dared to cross the small distance between them and their gaze only broke as his lips touched hers, softly and tenderly at first. Monica’s eyes were closed and she sighed, it had been such a long time since they last kissed and she missed him terribly, nearly painfully.


Andrew slightly bent over and deepened their kiss as Monica reached out to touch his handsome face, letting herself fall into his tender and warm embrace as that sweet caress went on. He knew it was forbidden love, but it was now binding and real and so strong that the angel of death just hoped his loving Father could forgive his incapacity to stop wanting Monica with every fiber of his being. The avalanche of loving emotions was inevitable, nearly automatic.


Andrew gently placed his hand against her cheek and their loving kiss ended as slowly as it had started. The Irish angel stood slightly trembling before him and stared at his face with a mix of apprehension and fear he could only partially understand. Had that kiss managed to trigger a flashback of their love?


“Monica... I... I wish I could say that I’m sorry but...the truth is that I’m not. There’s... there’s something... many things I want to tell you and... I’ll ask you to please allow me to...”


A tear fell down her face as she realised that everything remained the same – he hadn’t remembered who she truly was nor the love story they shared together. He didn’t remember little Angela, who was certainly missing his loving presence by her side, playing with her and her little toys or rocking her to sleep while telling her a bedtime story, even if she was still too little to understand.


“I’m so sorry...” her crying voice broke his heart. She gave a step back, disentangling from his arms as her hand wiped away the tears that immediately fell from her sad doe-like eyes. He was desperate.


“Monica, please...”


“I’m sorry, Andrew...”


She turned away from him and left the restaurant in a rush; Andrew tried to reach her but she took the cab that was standing right in front of the restaurant.


The angel let out a disappointed sigh and ran a hand through his short blond hair as his steps ceased. Had he acted wrongly? Was it fair to love a mortal like the way he did? If he wasn’t allowed to have this feeling, then why being with Monica seemed so natural and so right?


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