Andrew didn’t return to the small cottage where he was staying at thanks to Mrs Dockery’s generosity. He would have to leave that place eventually anyway and right now a walk on the deserted beach would help him to reflect about everything that was going on. The good weather helped and the moon and the stars illuminated the path ahead of him as the waves crashed at a safe distance. Andrew stopped for a moment and contemplated the darkness of the sea, and wondered how Monica could love the ocean so much considering her fears towards great masses of water.
“Good to see you’ve recovered, buddy.”
Adam’s voice took him out of his reverie, and he turned to face his angelic friend.
“I wish I could be glad about it too.”
“Problems, I suppose...” he started, aware that his friend and co-worker hadn’t recovered his memory.
“I wouldn’t call it a problem. But it’s complicated...”
“Where’s Monica?”
“She went back home. And although I’m struggling not to go up there and check on her and tell her everything I need, I’ll remain here because I don’t think it’s such a good idea considering the last time we spoke.”
“Did you two argue?”
“No.” He turned his eyes from the ocean to look at his friend. “I love her, Adam. Just as simple as that. As if not loving her wasn’t an option. As if the fact that I’m an angel wasn’t relevant. As if it wasn’t forbidden. As if it was part of my nature.”
“And she didn’t react the way you expected...”
“Monica ran away from me. We kissed. I kissed her. I dared to. And now I’m standing here wondering if it’s right of me to ask for her love, if it’s fair with her, despite the fact that I’m ready to drop of my function as an angel of death just to stay by her side here on Earth for as long as she lives.”
The other angel was amazed to witness such a strong love; deeper than anything he had ever seen before in his long existence.
“What does your heart tell you, Andrew?”
“That... our existences are connected... It tells me that in order to be who I am I need her by my side. Otherwise, I’d be just half of the creature I was meant to be.”
“If this is how you feel, then you don’t need to stand here with all those questionings torturing your soul. Go to her, Andrew! Go and tell her about your love!”
The blond angel stared at his co-worker rather shocked. “You don’t think it’s wrong? That being an angel I shouldn’t want a human being the way I want Monica?”
“Well, first of all, I’m not here to judge anyone, Andrew. Especially a friend. And secondly... who am I to underestimate and take for granted something that I do not understand but which I can see written on your face?”
Andrew nodded his head with a look of gratitude. “Thanks. I never thought I’d feel this way for another living creature. And... it all happened so fast. It seems that these feelings were already here in my heart.”
“Maybe this is what they call a ‘soul mate’!”
“I’m afraid that our superiors won’t see it as nicely and won’t be as supportive when they find out. Thanks for not judging.”
“You just try to focus on Monica, buddy. Leave the rest for later, ok? The most important is that you two need to talk.”
“I’ll go to the hospital first thing in the morning. Her shift starts at 8 but I know she gets there a bit earlier.”
“I hope... that everything is cleared in the end.” The angel of death spoke, and on the following moment, Andrew was alone again, left to his own devices and dreams about the sweet Irish lady who stole his angelic heart.
When Andrew left his temporary home on the following day he could not imagine how difficult it would be for him to get at the city hospital. The streets were crowded with cars and traffic was moving slowly in that small tourist town. The blond angel wondered why it was happening in the middle of the week on a regular working day.
“It must be some problem with the traffic lights!” the cab driver spoke.
But as he got closer to the hospital, Andrew could see the giant cloud of black smoke crossing the blue sky.
“Oh, no...” he whispered, in shock and disbelief.
“Oh, man, it seems to be a fire!”
The driver was right. Andrew had seen something like that before, during some assignments, and unfortunately his presence there was much needed. He paid the driver and left the car, passing between other cars in a hurry, as if fighting to get at the hospital. All those people who were in there, either working or under medical care, had to be safe; most importantly, Monica had to be safe.
When the blond angel arrived there, he held his head with both hands, desolation and despair written over his face as the destruction was much worse than he thought. The firefighters had just arrived and were preparing to enter the building and start putting off the fire that grew in long flames. Andrew’s human heart was racing as he knew that it was there that Monica worked. He grew closer and started a frantic search for his dear Irish lady among the injured people who lay everywhere, receiving the first aid.
“Monica! Monica! Please, sir, I’m looking for a friend... Her name is Monica, she works in the hospital!” He spoke to anyone who stood on his way.
“She’s in there!” A woman finally informed, holding a little boy to herself as the child waited to have superficial cuts treated.
“What? She... She’s still inside?” Andrew felt as if the ground had disappeared from under his feet.
“This girl... she seems an angel sent by God Himself...” the woman explained, tears of emotion falling from her eyes. “She saved so many children when the fire started... I guess all the ones who were in the sector, including my son. It... it seems that one little girl was missing and she got back in there to try to look for her but it’s been too long since she entered, it was before the firefighters arrived and now... now the fire is much higher...”
Andrew had to act, it was Monica’s life which was in danger now and the mere thought of her hurting was enough to fill his heart with anguish and utmost fear.
“Please, Father, allow me to find her alive... Please, keep her safe and guide my steps...” he whispered as he got closer to the building. But a man from the fire brigade stopped him.
“Sir, you cannot pass, please, stay away.”
“No, you don’t understand, I know someone who is in there, her name is Monica, she’s still inside!”
But the man held him. “Please, stay back, we’ll take care of her!”
“No! Please, let me help, I need to get to her!”
The firefighter was going to ask for help in order to stop the blond man who was forcing his way into the building, but the sudden noise of walls collapsing in the other side of the building made him give up blocking Andrew’s way and rush to help his colleagues. The angel in human form saw in it a chance to act and went towards the sector where Monica used to work. The smoke and the flames made it difficult to see something ahead of him, but he kept calling Monica’s name out loud, walking fast along the corridors and through doors, his green eyes scanning every small corner of the building hoping to see the auburn lady.
But then, something strange started to happen. Along with the fire and smoke, images of a past he did not remember started to play on his mind. Monica smiling at him, giggling as he held her tightly and lifted her feet off the ground while she wrapped her arms around his neck. They were dancing and then he kissed her lips.
The angel of death stopped his walk for a moment. Where were those images coming from?
A wood beam consumed by flames fell right in front of him and made him focus on his current mission: to rescue Monica. But then, as he advanced along the hospital, new images kept on crossing his mind: he and Monica on a beach, rather similar to the one he was staying at, walking hand in hand and then teaching her how to swim, telling her not to be afraid. Then at night, they were exchanging passionate kisses. Andrew frowned as the image of them making love crossed his mind. Of him promising Monica eternal love. And then a baby girl’s smile at him. He was holding her in one arm, while the other remained wrapped around Monica’s small shoulders.
“Please, somebody help!”
Monica’s crying voice reached his ears and at that very moment, everything became clear to him. His precious angelic soul mate needed him. “Angel...” he whispered, and an invisible force led him up to a small room, whose door was blocked by a concrete bar, probably fallen from the ceiling. He could also hear a child crying and imagined it was the little girl that his beloved Monica had vowed to rescue. It had certainly reminded her of their sweet little Angela.
“Hold on, angel! I’m coming!” he shouted from outside. A few moments later, the door was open and he found a very scared five-year-old and an unconscious angel in human form on the floor.
“It’s ok, sweetie... I’m gonna take you both out of here, okay?” he said, trying to calm the little girl. And his angelic presence did manage to make her stop crying.
A nervous crowd outside witnessed as Andrew left the building carrying Monica in his arms and a little girl held his arm.
“Oh, my God, it’s a miracle!” Shouted one of the nurses who waited outside.
As the paramedics rushed towards them, they immediately placed Monica on a stretcher – she was hurt, there were some cuts on her forehead and arms, and she had certainly inhaled too much smoke. “You’ll be alright, angel... I’ll take care of you like you took care of me, baby... And then we can go back to our precious little Angela and spend some time together at our beach... just the three of us...” he whispered through her ear, as she was placed in an ambulance.
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