Episode 60 - Beautiful things

It's late at night and even the noisy city down there seems to have surrendered to exhaustion as now silence fills the urban atmosphere and gives it something that it lacks nowadays: peace. From the window of a small apartment on the 5th floor, my temporary home, I watch the few lights that blink in the dark, faintly trying to copy the stars of a sky that we don't usually get to see in big towns.


It's easy for angels to transport themselves to a place and a time where they can have some peace and feel surrounded by beauty and much love. But years of experience as an angel of death taught me that even the smallest and simplest spots on this Earth can represent a small piece of heaven, like this small shelter I am currently using to fulfil my assignment.


Angels are also granted with some free time, and as the night fell I returned to this humble house where my human form can rest for a few hours. David Norton, my current assignment, is a man whose beliefs have recently been shattered by the current economical situation. Do not misunderstand me. Mr Norton is not a man who saw his faith shaken when faced with a difficult situation. He is not the kind of human being who automatically raises compassion from his equals either. His money is all that he gave true importance along his life, and now that the adversities of life are forcing him to live with little – a lot less of what he is used to, all the other things that his money attracted are moving away as well, causing this man to have the false impression that frivolity and disregard are people’s strongest traits.



Like I said before, angels have the privilege of transporting themselves to any place they want to, or are needed to. But whenever I am on Earth, I usually take the opportunity to walk along the streets and observe humans. This is what I did when I left the office where I am Norton’s temporary accountant. And along the way to my apartment, I wondered how I would teach this man that his mistaken way to see God’s children is a consequence of his own nature, of a childhood without loving parents and filled with expensive toys and employees to do everything and anything he demanded? I wondered what argument would be powerful enough to make him realise that life is much more than actions in the market or than beautiful cars and women who approach him for what he has and not for what he is?


With a turmoil of different thoughts I finally arrive at the small building in a quiet street of Salt Lake’s neighbourhood. And it is when I open its door that I realise the wonderful surprise that has been waiting for me.


With a broad smile upon her beautiful face, my dear Monica greeted me with wide open arms, aware of my own surprise as I held her tightly. Her sweet perfume immediately invaded my lungs, and my heart was filled with great delight at hearing her soothing voice. Her Irish lilt echoed inside the small living room as she said my name in that endearing way that only she uses to.


Although she was wearing "angel clothes," as she described the long white  dress, with short sleeves, my beloved took her human form as soon as she got here, and now I dare to greet her with the urgency and intensity of a valentine who has not seen their beloved for a long time. I pulled away from her loving embrace and took my time to look at her face again, so beautiful, so meek and innocent that I wonder if every time I look at her and at those pretty brown eyes I get to fall in love again. I captured her smile with a kiss and when our lips collided, she returned my caress with the same affection. Monica tilted her head as an invitation for me to deepen our kiss, and I did not hesitate before applying some more gentle pressure on the back of her neck and parting her lips as our loving caress went on.


The human need to breath was a disadvantage then. As I reluctantly pulled away, Monica's smile returned, but I insisted on breaking it with a series of small kisses that covered her jaw, nose, cheeks and, once again, her lips.


Only when air became an issue again, I held her tightly to me, feeling her heart beating against mine as if reassuring our love is eternal.


And then without letting her go of my arms, I told her how much I missed her presence along the many days of my stay in this neighbourhood. I tell her that she and our precious Angela are in my thoughts all the time.


And as if her unexpected and joyful visit wasn't enough, she takes my hands and guides me up to the loveseat by the window. Then, she goes on telling me that Angela has learned a few more words, and that she asks about me. It cheers my heart at the same time it brings me some sadness as I'm not there to hold her tightly or play with her and her little toys. But Monica's sensibility soon detects it and she strokes my face, her smile never fading.


"Somewhere in her little heart, she knows her daddy is out there fulfilling his assignment as the Father's messenger, and that soon you'll be together again."


Monica always knew how to soothe my heart... In my somewhat selfish thoughts I wonder if perhaps this is one of the reasons why she was created.


"And her smile is more and more similar to yours! So beautiful!"


If my Monica wasn't an angel I would certainly say she was just being kind and not telling me the whole truth, as that little one is a miniature of her own form. This fact alone couldn’t please me more. When I chuckle she notices I don’t agree with her observations about Angela’s features – one of the few things we disagree on, and then she insists that when our little angel grows a bit more she will acquire more of my characteristics.


I end up the subject by kissing her lips softly once again and telling her how much I love her and our daughter. The recent news about Angela growing up until she is seven and then remaining as a child for the rest of eternity gives me the certainty that her innocence and meekness will only increase and the inevitable will happen: she will become a reflex of my beloved Monica.


The sweet warm-hearted angel who conquered my heart announced that she is there to take care of me while I am on Earth; her Irish lilt echoing through the depths of my soul and her smile hypnotising my eyes for the centuries to come. Not even the announcement that she has prepared me a special dinner has the power to distract me or make me worry.


It is the joy of having her with me that makes my heart rejoice, and while I hid my true feelings about the food, my dear Monica enchanted me by talking about our Home and our angelic friends, which I greatly miss too. Her concern for my well being is touching, as she kept on making questions about my being tired in this human form and offering to tidy up this temporary home and wash my clothes... I chuckled at her housewife role and she reprimanded me, saying that she was worried about me being all alone here on Earth.


I love the way she frowns and the slight annoyance I can see in her eyes when I joke. It was the line I was expecting to capture her lips once again and with that kiss I felt that the annoyance faded away.


“What was wrong here, angel, was that you were not around...” I told her, cupping her face with both hands and looking deep inside her sweet brown eyes.


“But I’ll be gone by the beginning of the day...” she told me, her voice filled with worry.


I gently silenced her by pressing my index finger against her rosy lips. “Let’s not think about it. Not now...”


She nodded her head and I take the opportunity to kiss her again, long and deep, let my fingers entangle through her perfumed long hair and my arm encircled her small waist, bringing her closer to me once again. Her slender fingers caressing my hair as her body went limp under my touch are signs that dinner should be interrupted.  I carried her in my arms to my bedroom – our bedroom.


As passionate kisses went on, our human forms soon give in to what we call human love, a sacred union of bodies and souls involved in so much love that not rarely I see tears of emotion in those beautiful doe-like eyes.


Monica fell asleep in my arms, her head resting over my bare chest as I kept on placing soft kisses on the top of her head, caressing her long auburn tresses, never tired of breathing in their sweet wild flowers fragrance.


I did not sleep, however. I knew that when the sun rose, my angel would have to leave so I wanted to make that moment last for the small eternity of a night without stars. I watch her now as she sleeps peacefully, sometimes murmuring my name or calling Angela and Tess to take a walk in the park. It amuses me and makes me happy, as I know she is having only sweet dreams.


And the vision of her sleeping form, so beautiful and so quiet, made me think about my assignment. I am in a humble shelter, simple and poor and quite different from what David Norton is probably used to. But if Mr Norton could experience just a glimpse of the joy I feel right now, he would realise what the most important things in life are.


Sadly, as I had predicted, the beautiful morning sun took my beloved angel away. Although I kissed her goodbye I know that soon she will be in my arms again, along with our beautiful little angel from God who fills our existence with joy.


My feet then took me to the man I have had contact with for nearly a month and as I meet him I feel sorry for the sadness that insists on remaining in his eyes.


But then when he confronts me about what his life will be like from now on, I reveal my true nature and tell him that there is richness in simplicity and only when he opens his heart to accept it, he will have come to terms with the kind of life he leads now.


I also tell him to find friendship and love in the ones who have always been at his side, regardless the fact that he lost most part of his money. I mention Linda, his loyal secretary, who is constantly worried about his welfare. If my Monica was here she would certainly tell that the lady has always loved him and that he was too blind to find it out. I also mention his father, who he kept away even though the man is constantly trying to apologise for the mistakes he made when David was just a little boy. His friend, Mark, who David had always considered a crazy guy because he decided to drop the Economy school to become a vet, always offered him a comforting word.


One by one, I listed the people who God sent to be close to him at the most difficult hours. And then I saw the miracle happening: a man opening his eyes for the blessings his loving Father placed along his path. I told also him that nothing feels better than filling a humble house with all those precious treasures that surround us, because those are the ones that will matter when his life journey is accomplished.


I left David to reflect upon the words I was in charge of transmitting and to my joy, on the way to the park I see an auburn haired angel holding an equally brunette little angel who is still trying to get her first steps right. My heart is filled again and I cannot measure my contentment as Monica lets go of Angela’s tiny hand so that she can come towards me; a smile on her face as she calls me out to end up her short walk in my open arms.


Our sweet little angel is still learning the first words but it was then that I realised another adorable feature in her: she is acquiring her mother’s accent and it couldn’t please me more. When my sweet Monica comes towards me I hold her tightly and place a soft kiss against her lips.


Enjoying the gentle morning sun, we soon find out that my assignment has decided to come to the park as well. Linda is with him and he has dropped his impeccable Italian suit for the first time in years.


The miracle has been completed.




To be continued


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