Chapter 16


The rest of the morning went by relatively calm for both Andrew and Tess, as the news about Monica's condition raised their spirits and put an end to their previous discussion for a while. Both angels knew that they would have to deal with the implications of Monica and Andrew's feelings for each other and how difficult that issue could be, but at that very moment they focused on lifting their prayers of thanks for the miracle they had all been granted with.


A slight knock on the door broke their contemplative silence and they greeted Monica's nurse once again.


"Monica has a new guest." She announced with a smile, motioning for a man to come in. He was tall and thin and could be in his late fifties, had grey hair and dark eyes and a moved look in his eyes that somewhat did not match his appearance. "Mr Lewis, these are Andrew and Tess, they're Monica's friends and family." She explained, and then turned to the angels. "This is Mr Lewis, he's the headmaster of St. Patrick's Elementary."


While they greeted one another, Karen excused herself and left the room.


"I heard she will be alright..." The man spoke, looking at the young teacher with emotion.


Tess nodded her head, pleased with her next words. "That is correct, Mr Lewis. It was a risky but necessary surgery and thanks to God and to the doctors' talent, Monica will recover."


Lewis let out a deep sigh; his eyes never moving away from the bed. "I...prayed...God knows how much I prayed."


"We appreciate that, sir. And I'm sure Monica will be very grateful too, we'll sure let her know about your concern." Andrew said.


"I have been a teacher for over 30 years. Then I became 'the boss' and went away from the classrooms, believing that I could do more the students' welfare than what I could do when I was 'only' a teacher. I just did not realise how distant I became of my values and why I chose to be a teacher in the first place. "


He made a short pause and looked at his interlocutors. "Loving my next, wanting to open young minds to the wonderful things that there are in this world, teach them to think by themselves, recognise injustice and voice their opinion. The school is an extension to our homes. But somehow I forgot it; I ran St. Patrick's as if I was dealing with numbers, ratings, statistics... and let go of the human element."


"It's one of the dangers of the modern world, I guess. Everything has to be fast and results have to show up as expected."


"You're right, Andrew. When this young lady came to my room and showed interest in building a garden and an orchard next to the first grader's room I did not accept it because it would cost money and I would also have to open the old wooden door that led to the patio. Besides, I did not want to include that in the children's activities because I would have to review a structure that had already been established since before I started to run the school." He explained, and then a broken hearted smile broke in his face. "Do you know what she 'dared' to tell me? That I should put my heart on what I was doing other than on the profits."


The angel of death also smiled. This was definitely something his adorable Monica would say.


"I finally agreed to merely fix the door that led to the patio, where the orchard would be built, but told her she would have to do the rest along with the students' parents. And so she did."


"Believe me, Mr Lewis, when that girl wants to do something to help others, she does not take 'no' as a final answer."


"I am totally sure of that, Tess." He made another short pause, as if still analysing what he was about to say. "It was through this door that she managed to take the students out of the building. If it wasn't there or if it had been locked, many children and perhaps some of the school staff could have been trapped inside the school."


Tess and Andrew exchanged a secret glance of complicity: before them, another one of Monica's assignment had just been accomplished.


"I just wish I could tell her how sorry and how ashamed I am..." He said. "Ashamed of what I became..."


Tess gave a step forward and placed a supportive hand over his shoulder. "But the one you became no longer exists as Monica has retaught you a lesson that had just been left aside for a while."


"Oh, yes, she did teach me something I'll never forget: compassion towards others. I thought I knew what that was – perhaps I had an idea. But what this young lady did... it goes beyond words... I wish I could do something to make up for my selfishness."


Andrew was standing right next to Monica's bed and he gently caressed her hair. "You've been touched by Monica's generosity, Mr Lewis. The best way to show gratitude is to accept and spread all this generosity and love among your next."


The man nodded his head. "Be sure I will. I promised God I'd spend the rest of my life to accomplish this noble mission."




After Mr Lewis went away, Tess and Andrew remained alone once again, and the oldest angel watched with great concern as her friend took Monica's hand and kissed its back.


"See angel? Another one of your assignments went just fine. That's why I love you so much." He said, not minding Tess' presence any longer.


But the supervisor could not help voicing her thoughts, as there was something that worried her even more than the consequences of the angels' feelings.




"Yes?" He turned to look at her bearing some visible calm in his eyes. Judging by the solemn tone on Tess' voice, however, the blond angel knew she was not about to compliment him for the latest events involving him and Monica.


Tess gave a few steps and sat on the chair next to him, still choosing the right words to voice her concern. "There's something I should warn you... Something that directly affects your relationship with Monica, regardless its nature."


"Tess... I'm aware that there'll be consequences, that we'll both have to deal with our superior's judgement." His voice still remained calm, despite the seriousness of the situation.


The supervisor managed a quick nod. "That is true, you will. But what worries me does not have to do with others. It has to do with Monica herself."


A slightly confused look appeared on Andrew's face. "And what is it?"


"Andrew...Have you considered that Monica may not remember her dreams her when she wakes up?"


Those words came as a shock and he frowned with great concern. "What are you saying, Tess?"


"She's been unconscious for days. The dreams and journeys you've been taking her in are now kept somewhere in the depths of her soul. No one can assure she will remember them when she regains consciousness."


Swallowing hard, he turned to look at the asleep angel. "Do you really think she may forget it all?"


For the first time, Tess let go of her position to become a sympathetic mother. Reaching out for his hand, she gave it a light squeeze. "I think there is a possibility, baby. And you have to be prepared for that, if it comes."


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