Careful not to make any noise, Andrew closed the hospital door behind him and approached the bed; his heart breaking once again at the paleness on his dearest friend's face. Andrew reached her bed and took her hand, and the slight touch of his fingertips on her skin caused her to open her eyes.
"Angel..." he whispered, immediately feeling bad for waking her up.
"Andrew... You're here..." the weak smile in her sleepy face was moving, and he felt like holding her for dear life until illness abandoned her human form. But Andrew had to limit himself to taking her hand in both of his and brushing a gentle kiss against her forehead. "Didn't I tell you I'd be always by your side, huh?" he spoke, trying to smile as he sat at the edge of her bed.
"I guess I fell asleep for a while...But then I felt your presence in the room."
"You should rest as much as you can, angel." He said, all his care and protection written all over his face. "It's very important."
Her smile faded a little and she searched for the green eyes which would transmit her much peace. "What's wrong with me, Andrew?"
"The doctors are working to find that out, sweetie, so that they can heal you."
She looked around her and back at him. "Where's Tess?"
"She... she's outside..." he didn't want to show Monica how terribly angry he was with the supervisor, as nothing could affect her emotionally right now.
"She's upset-"
"She's also worried about you, angel, that's all."
Monica sighed and now turned her doe-like eyes to an invisible point ahead of her. "Is it an assignment, Andrew?"
"This... my condition... If it's not a punishment... then... why am I here?"
The angel of death was permanently holding her hand and looking deep inside those sweet brown pools. "It could never be a punishment, Monica. And I believe God will show you the consequences of your being ill in His own good time... Everything will be clear to us eventually..."
She reflected on those words and slowly nodded. "I believe you're right... and I trust the Father knows where it's all leading... I trust my existence to Him..." she said, and after a brief look at their conjoined hands, she spoke again. "...and to you. But I am afraid, you know..."
He squeezed her hand. "I know... and I promise I'll be here to help you through this... I know that I'm just an angel... that I don't have any power to make it less suffering, but-"
"You're the angel who touched my heart, Andrew..." she immediately replied, "I've been thinking... I believe that when the Father made us He knew in his infinite wisdom that our paths would cross and what would come out of our meeting because He shaped our hearts the same way... so that they could be brought together..."
Sometimes her words, spoken straight from the bottom of her heart, left him speechless. And before Andrew could find the right reply, she spoke again. "So know that the mere fact that you exist gives you the power to make it less suffering."
A tearful smile appeared on his handsome face; it was evident that he felt extremely tired and worried, but the little angel's words soothed his soul and brought a multitude of loving emotions to his heart. "I have so much faith in a future for both of us, angel... A near future, where I can see your beautiful smile and hear your voice telling me about your assignments and inquiring about the universe with the childlike curiosity that makes you so adorable to me..."
Those words brought a weak smile back to her face. "You forgot my mocha..."
Andrew chuckled at that remark. He had to be strong and fight the fear inside his heart. Fear of what could be wrong with his beloved angel, fear that she would suffer trying to fight it, fear that he might not be able to help her fight it.
And utmost fear of losing her.
The angels' conversation was interrupted by a light knock on the door, and it flung open a second later: it was the nurse.
"Excuse me..." she was carrying some papers and tried to smile. "I'm Susan and my shift has just started. I need to collect some information about you, Monica. And about you too, sir. I'll ask you to let your wife rest for a while as we talk outside."
Monica and Andrew looked at each other with a slight smile and then at the young woman. "We are not married..." the Irish angel spoke, as their hands remained linked.
The expression on the nurse's face was one of surprise. "Oh, you two are not related?"
They looked at each other again, not knowing how to explain their relationship. "We... We're long time friends and..." he started, but Susan shook her head.
"But then you cannot stay here, sir. I'm sorry, but only family members are allowed."
Andrew felt Monica squeezing his hand tightly, an expression of fear in those sad brown eyes, loathing the mere thought of staying away from him. "Andrew is my family..."
"Monica is everything of the most precious I have in this world. And I am sorry but I'll stay right here by her side." The blond angel's words didn't leave any room for doubt: no one would be able to tell him to leave.
"You don't have anybody else? Any relatives?"
"I..." she was going to say something but sudden tears filled her eyes and she shook her head. "Andrew is my family..."
The woman nodded her head. "I understand... Then I'll ask you a few questions, Andrew, and get you an ID so that you can stay here with Monica."
Calmer, the angel of death looked down at his beloved angel. "I'll be right back, angel." He bent his head and brushed a tiny kiss on her lips. "Please take some rest, okay?"
As she nodded her head obediently he kissed her hand and rose to his feet. Monica followed his movements with her eyes and before he closed the bedroom door, Andrew shot her another tender gaze.
The first night at the hospital was a long and difficult one for both angels in human form. Every half hour, a nurse came to check on Monica's IV or administer some medicine. It was almost morning when she and Andrew finally managed to sleep a little. He, sitting next to her bed, permanently holding her hand and leaning over her shoulder. She, resting her chin on the top of his head.
Andrew was glad to see that even after he woke up she remained asleep, visibly beaten up by exhaustion. He rose to his feet and watched her for a while, green eyes scanning her face carefully, searching for any sign of recovery. Andrew frowned as he noticed a small bump on her left shoulder, right next to the neck. Carefully not to wake her up, he touched her porcelain skin, wondering the cause for that.
"Angel... What is it that you have, baby?" his whispered voice held much fear.
At around 9 o'clock, Monica's doctor finally came to see her. She was already up but refused to eat breakfast much to Andrew's despair.
"That's alright, son. If our stubborn patient here doesn't feel like eating let's not force her to." Dr Bruke, a friendly sixty-year-old man, spoke. "The antibiotics are causing her to feel a bit nauseous."
"But she'll stay weaker than she already is and..."
"I see your concern, Andrew. But the content of the IV tube will feed her for a while, and once the sickness is gone I'm sure she'll feel hungry again."
"I feel like I have two guardian angels..." Monica spoke, with a slight smile.
"Well, I have no doubt that Andrew here watches over you like one!" the old doctor said, not missing how the couple kept holding each other's hands and the protectiveness in Andrew's eyes.
"Did you find out what's causing her fever, Dr Burke?" he wanted to know, aware of the papers in the man's hands.
"I have the blood test results." The doctor announced, his face turning serious. "They indicate you have anaemia, Monica."
"Anaemia?" she spoke, as confused as Andrew.
"But... what can be causing this?"
"We don't know yet, Andrew. That's why we're running more tests and we'll monitor Monica until the fever breaks."
"So I'm staying here?"
"Yes, young lady. Until we find out the causes of this infection and the best way to heal it."
Resignedly, she nodded and squeezed Andrew's hand. There were many unanswered questions in their minds right now, especially how an angel could fall ill up to that point and why that was happening.
As the doctor left the room, Andrew took a seat in bed next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer to him. "I don't understand it, Andrew..." there was a pensive expression on her face, besides the sadness and exhaustion. The blond angel kissed her temple.
"I know, sweetie... It might be hard for us to see it now but... if this is happening to you angel, there sure is an explanation. And we'll figure it out eventually."
Monica let out a tired sigh and snuggled closer against his chest, searching for comfort and reassurance.
Two days later...
A slight knock on the door interrupted Monica's thoughts and her lips curved into a weak smile. She already knew who it was as the angel of death's loving presence remained strong inside her heart despite the mysterious illness that consumed her human form.
Andrew closed the door behind him and pain clouded over his face as she remained lying on her side, facing the window. Perhaps the little angel was dreaming of a day and a time when she would be able to go outside and be surrounded by all God's wonderful creations. She didn't even more to acknowledge his presence, but her hand searching for his own let him know he was more than welcome. As Andrew laced his fingers with hers, he leaned over to kiss her cheek. In his other hand, a small bouquet of lilacs.
"Little Joy sent you these... She misses you a lot!" He sat down on the side of the bed and the mattress sunk slightly under his weight.
"They are lovely... Wee Joy... I miss her so much..."
"Soon, you'll be out of here and will tell her that in person!" he tried to smile, but inside his soul was hurting.
Monica blinked slowly, the memory of the cheerful little puppy bringing some of joy to her heart. "She likes helping me out in the kitchen, you know."
"I know... But the next time you decide to cook, I'll be in charge of supervising both of you!"
"I won't mind a bit!"
Andrew looked at her for a long moment, caressing her auburn hair. "How are you feeling this morning?"
"I ..." she sighed deeply and bit her lower lip. Lying to him wasn't an option but the truth was that nothing had changed. "... hopeful..."
He took her hand to his lips at the same moment they heard a light knock on the door. It was Dr Burke.
"Oh, hello Andrew." He greeted, holding some papers in his hands. As he walked around the bed, the doctor saw that she was awake. "Hey, good morning, Monica! I hope this second night here wasn't as bad as the first one." He checked on her eyes and ho the content of the IV tube attached to her arm.
"Good morning, Dr Burke. I guess I managed to sleep a wee bit more."
"Good. You need to rest as much as you can from now on."
His words alerted Andrew and the blond angel stared at him with worry. "Why do you say so, doctor? Is there anything new about Monica's condition?"
"Yes..." The man announced, as Monica tried to straighten up her body. With Andrew's help, she was now sitting in bed to hear what the doctor had to say.
"What was it that you found out, Dr Burke?" she wanted to know.
"Monica, you blood tests showed anomalies that called my attention from the start and raised my suspicions on something..."
"How come her blood cells were altered?" the angel of death asked, still confused.
"It happens when the body is being affected by a pathology." The old man placed his hand over Monica's shoulder and it was possible to see the concern in his eyes. "Monica, you were diagnosed with cancer."
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