Monica awoke late the next morning and she blinked softly to clear the sleep from her eyes. As her vision came into focus, her dark eyes widened as they settled on Kristin’s face and the worried expression that was on it.

“Kristin,” She uttered, trying to keep the surprise from her voice.

“Hello Monica,” Her eyes held a combination of sadness, regret and relief, “How are you feeling?”

“I’m going to be fine, so don’t worry,” She replied, deciding that at least that much was true. She knew that her body still hurt, but with just waking up, she hadn’t really had time to assess the situation yet, “More importantly, how are you?”

The young woman ignored her question, knowing there was more she needed to say first, “I’m so sorry about what happened. David never meant to shoot you…he told me…”

“Kristin, I know,” The little angel cut her apologies short, “How is he doing?”

“I saw him this morning and despite all that happened, I can truly say that he is doing better than he has been in some time, which sounds a bit strange considering he is in jail. They set his bail yesterday and its more than we could ever afford, but it is still okay. He has accepted it and no matter what happens, we’ll get through it,” She hesitated for a moment before adding, “He wanted me to tell you that he is sorry for everything.”

Tears filled the angel’s eyes, hardly daring to believe that her assignment would say such a thing, “He…he said that?”

“Yes and he means it, Monica. He sees now that you were trying to help him and he knows that he should have listened. I didn’t even tell him you were an angel.”

She blinked, yet another surprise blindsiding her, “You know?”

Kristin nodded. “Tess told me. Actually, she showed me and I sort of guessed,” she amended, giving a little smile. “She came and found me after David… after you were shot.” The woman still couldn’t bring herself to say the whole truth out loud, at least not in those words. She could say that David had hurt Monica. She could say that he was the reason she was in the hospital. But to say that he had shot her… there was something so horrible and brutal in those short words and to link them to David’s name… She just wasn’t able to reconcile them in her mind.

“Tess told me that you were watching Lucy, but she didn’t tell me anything else,” Monica said. She knew that she had been half asleep most of the time so it wasn’t too surprising that the older angel hadn’t bothered to fill her in on all the details.

“Yes, I am,” Kristin said with a grin. “When Tess found me I had nowhere else to go. I really thought that there was no one else in the world for me to turn to, but she told me otherwise.”

Monica smiled. Kristin’s expression showed that Tess had used her usual straightforward approach. “She’s very good at that,” she commented. “I think it’s her specialty.”

Kristin laughed. “Well it worked on me, that’s for sure.” The laughter died down and she raised her eyes to meet Monica’s again. “When Tess found me and told me what had happened, I don’t think I ever felt worse in my whole life.”

“Kristin, it wasn’t your fault and I’ll be fine. Really, I will.”

“I know that, and I know that God is watching out for you the same way He’s watching out for me, but I still felt horrible. You had been nothing but good to me, and because of that you were hurt.”

Monica started to speak again but Kristin reached forward and grabbed her hand. “Please let me finish all the way through or I don’t think I’ll be able to,” she said, eyes wide and sincere. “I know that you’ve probably helped hundreds or thousands of people, and never had anything like this happen to you before.” She took a deep breath. “I just don’t want you to go away from here remembering all this bad stuff. I want you to remember how much you really meant to me while you were here. You gave me something I hadn’t had in a really long time: hope that things would get better.”

The little angel was speechless. She just sat looking at Kristin with tears in her eyes.

“I wish there was someplace for me to send one of those little comment cards,” Kristin went on and she smiled at Monica’s confused look. “You know, like to recommend you for Angel of the Month or something. But I suppose you don’t have that up there,” she explained as she glanced upwards.

Monica had to stifle a giggle that pulled at her still tender stitches. “No, nothing like that,” she replied, eyes dancing in amusement.

“Well from the looks of this room I think you’d have a few nominations coming your way if there was,” Kristin was looking around at all of the flowers that dominated the room.

“Actually, they’re all from the same person. I know he went overboard, but…”

“But you can’t help loving it,” Kristin finished for her.

Monica nodded, suddenly startled by her throat closing up as tears pricked the back of her eyes. Just thinking of Paul’s thoughtfulness was a reminder that soon she would have to say goodbye to him.

“It was Paul, right?” Kristin said and Monica nodded again. “He was there when they arrested David. He made sure they didn’t hurt him and then he even let us have a minute together before they took him away.”

The angel looked up in surprise. She knew how angry Paul had been and she knew how much it must have taken for him to set that anger aside. “He’s a good man,” Monica said, unable to say all that she wanted to. That would have to wait until Paul was actually sitting beside her.

“Yeah, I could tell that right away,” Kristin agreed. She glanced down at her watch, surprised by how much time had passed. “I should leave,” she said apologetically. “I just wanted to check in on you, not tire you out.”

“It wasn’t tiring,” Monica insisted although she was beginning to think that a wee bit more pain medication might be nice. “I’m glad you came. I hope that Lucy’s a good girl for you.”

“She’s been a little angel so far,” Kristin said with a wink, “and I’ll make sure to give her an extra kiss from you.”

Monica lay in her bed attempting to be very still. She didn’t want to call the nurse but the pain was back and any movement was nearly enough to bring tears to her eyes. So instead she lay with her eyes closed, breathing in the scent of lilacs and letting her mind wander to the last time she had seen them outside. It had been at the second safe house Paul and Andrew had taken her to. They had formed a hedge in front of the house and she had insisted on stopping to smell them and marvel at their delicate form and beautiful color. She smiled thinking about how Paul had rolled his eyes in a good-natured way, and Andrew had choked back a laugh.

“Monica? Are you alright?” the sound of her best friend’s voice brought her back to the present.

She opened her eyes and turned her head towards him. “I’m okay,” she said. It wasn’t quite a lie but then she flashed back to the lies she had told David through the door. She didn’t want to have even a half-truth hanging in the air between her and Andrew. “Actually, it hurts,” she admitted.

“Monica, that’s why you have a call button. The nurse can give you more medication,” he chided gently.

“I know, but it makes me so sleepy and I don’t want to sleep anymore.”

“Angel, your body needs its rest right now.”

Monica sighed and immediately bit her lip on a wince. “I can stand it for a little while longer,” she insisted.

Andrew looked at her and pressed his lips together as he crossed his arms. Unfortunately for him Monica had seen that look many times before on the face of the angel who had patented it.

“Don’t ‘Tess’ me, Andrew,” she said as she narrowed her eyes and struggled to keep her own expression serious. “Please just come and sit with me. I won’t think about it so much now that you’re here.”

Andrew let out a long breath and slowly unfolded his arms, shoulders drooping slightly in defeat. “All right, Monica, but when the real Tess gets here I don’t think she’ll be so easy.”

She grinned up at him in satisfaction. “I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it,” she said as she patted her bed.

“No… Monica you’re already in pain. I’m just going to sit right here.” Andrew said as he pulled a chair to the side of the bed.


“Two ‘pleases’ in five minutes. You’re pushing your luck,” he warned her, but he already knew that the battle was lost.

“I know it, but you haven’t been able to hug me since I got here… this would be sort of the same thing.”

Andrew rolled his eyes but he very carefully made a place for himself on the bed and drew her into his arms, nestling her head on his chest. She was right. It felt just like a hug, and he had a feeling that it was recharging him as much as her.

“Kristin was here earlier,” Monica offered by way of conversation.

“How is she doing?” Andrew asked. “And I’m sorry I wasn’t here earlier. Being in the hospital… the Father had a few assignments he needed me to tend to.”

Monica nodded. She’d had a feeling that he was busy taking someone Home. She hoped that the trips had been peaceful and she made a note to ask him about them later.

“She seems to be doing well… she said that David was doing better too.” She opened her eyes and looked up, wondering how Andrew would take that news.

His eyes, normally so warm, turned a degree colder but it didn’t carry through to his voice. “I’m glad for you, Angel,” he said. “I know how much that means to you.”

No one else would have noticed that he didn’t say he was glad for David’s sake, but Monica was not just anyone else. She closed her eyes again and concentrated on the warm, safe feeling she got from being held within his arms. She still had work to do with both the men in her life but she was finally feeling as if she was not only ready but able.

“I know that you are angry with him for what he did,” She began hesitantly, “but I think that I have decided something.”

“And what might that be, Angel?” He asked, not sure if he really wanted to know what she was about to say.

“I was so convinced that David was exactly like McArthur. That he was full of hate and that nothing I could ever do could change who he was. But the night David shot me, I saw things so differently. He was having so much trouble pulling the trigger on Paul and I could see that what he thought he wanted was not going to be worth it for him. The only reason I got hurt was because I purposely got in the way in order to help Paul. David didn’t want to shoot me…he wanted to pay me off to just leave quietly and not say anything.”

“I wish you had gone, Monica.” The words were out before he had a chance to think about them.

“Had I done that, Andrew, Paul would be dead,” She replied with certainty, “I would have done the same for you despite the fact that you are an angel. You’re my best friend and Paul has become so special to me as well. I would do anything to keep harm from coming to either one of you.”

His heart ached at her words, knowing that they were the truth and his voice was quiet as he responded meekly, “So what did you decide?”

“That there is a difference between an evil man and a desperate and angry one. McArthur’s heart could not be changed, but David’s could be and that transformation has already begun. You told me we could never quit trying or no one would ever be saved, and you were right. I nearly gave up on David and I wanted to, but it wasn’t the right thing to do. He isn’t lost, Andrew. He still has a chance.”

He was quiet as he stroked her hair gently, thinking over the things she has just said. He had been furious with David from the first night he had encountered him and he had not wanted to let go of that anger. But here in his arms was the little angel who had battered by him, and later shot by him, rejoicing in the fact that the man’s heart was changing. Surely if Monica could see past the things David had done to her, then he could as well, all the while knowing that before it was said and done that another of God’s children could be saved.

“You’re absolutely right, angel. He still has a chance and I have a feeling that if you and the Father have anything to do with it, that in the end, he’ll make it,” He drew in a deep breath, “I’m trying to not be angry with him, Monica. It’s just hard to see you here in the hospital and know that he is responsible for it being so.”

She pondered his comments for a moment before replying thoughtfully, “David had trusted that he did everything right. He went to college, he found a good job. Then he got married and was expecting his first child with the woman he loved. Then it all went wrong for him. It must be very difficult for humans to trust in a God that they can’t see when the things they’ve done right, that are in front of them don’t work out. I know that it is all about trusting that God has a plan, but even His angels question Him at times.”

Andrew smiled, knowing that she was refering to him as much as to herself, “You have a point, sweetie. We’ve both had our share of doubts lately, though you were much quicker to see the truth than I have been.”

“That’s why you depend on me so much,” She teased, turning slightly to grin up at him. But the movement cost her dearly as pain overcame her once more and tears dampened her dark eyes.

“That’s it,” He reached and hit the button to call for her nurse, “You’re having more medication, sleepy or not.”

“If I must,” She whispered on a sigh, managing to breathe normally once again, “But will you stay here? Please?”

“That’s three ‘pleases’ now, Angel,” He joked gently, “Third one’s supposed to be a charm though, right.”

But she shook her head, “No. If you stay, it isn’t a charm. It’s a blessing.”

Andrew smiled as he rested his chin against the top of her head, “I agree, so rest assured, I will be staying.”

“Unbelievable,” Paul ranted as he came into Monica’s room much later that afternoon, once the angel had woken up from a nap.

The two angels looked up from where they had been talking as Monica had been attempting to eat some of her dinner. It was clear to see that the agent was furious and was barely containing it and the angel pushed away her barely touched tray to look up at him.


He seemed to come to his senses and realized he had worried her, judging by the look on her face and Andrew was looking slightly less than happy at this fact, though there was concern in his eyes as well, “I’m sorry,” He stated earnestly as he took a seat beside of Monica’s bed, though he kept fidgeting with annoyance, “I shouldn’t have done that. Eat your dinner, Monica. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

But she shook her head firmly, as much to disagree with his apology as to clear her head from how groggy the medication was making her. Though it was better controlling her pain, she despised the feeling of being in a fog while she was awake, “No, Paul. What happened?”

He sighed and was on his feet once more, pacing around the small space next to her bed, “They’ve offered David a plea bargain. If he agrees to testify against Mike, then he gets off with probation.”

The little angel’s dark eyes lit up at his words, “That’s a good thing. He’ll have another chance.”

“He shot you.” Paul stated firmly, as if this should be the end of the discussion, “He has no business being any place other than jail.”

“No, Paul, that isn’t entirely true. Everyone deserves another chance at life-.”

“You didn’t seem to feel that way about McArthur,” He retorted before he could even think about what he was saying and he cursed himself under his breath as he saw her shrink back slightly at his words. He was back at her side an instant later, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”

Monica looked down and toyed with the fabric in her blanket, knowing that on some level, Paul was right.

“I’m sorry,” He repeated, reaching for her hand to stop her, “I didn’t mean that. They are two different people and I know that.”

“Yes, they are,” She replied quietly, finally looking up at him once more, “McArthur had someone to help him once and he refused to see the truth, just as in your own way, you refused to see it for a long time. David is seeing it now, Paul and that makes him different.”

“It’s just hard for me, honey. He hurt you and I can’t take that lightly.”

“I understand that. I do, but a desperate man can take desperate measures at times, Paul. That is what David did and I believe he sees that now. If he has a chance to turn his life around, then I’m happy for him. He has a conscience, and that makes him different from McArthur or Mike. He regretted what he did where they never did and maybe never will, though I still hope that one day, Mike will find his once more.”

Paul gave her hand a gentle squeeze, wanting things right between them once more, “I hope for your sake and David’s that you are right. It’s just hard for me to shake that image of you lying on that hotel room floor. You were in pain and I couldn’t help you, all because of him.”

“But you did help me, Paul,” She uttered, her eyes shining with sincerity, “You were there.”

Paul shook his head even as a small smile worked its way across his face. He would never believe that just being there was enough, but Monica thought it was and she was the only one who mattered at the moment. “I suppose that Andrew and I probably sound like broken records by now,” he said ruefully, “and you’re stuck reassuring us when we should be the ones encouraging you.”

Monica grinned. “Actually I like it much better this way.”

Paul laughed. It was true that Monica never looked happier than when she was helping someone else. After weeks of discouragement and frustration he could tell that she was beginning to feel like her old self again. He just hoped that he would be able to see her completely healed, inside and out. He had been thinking about how Andrew had described her being before McArthur came into her existence and he longed for just a glimpse of that reality. As each day drew to a close however, he wondered if it would be the last day that he would see Monica and the others. Well, he hadn’t expected to see them at all after the McArthur case and so he refused to accept that their parting, whenever it happened, would be anything more than a ‘see you later’.

“So,” he asked, “how much longer are they going to keep you in here?” The tone in Paul’s voice, and the way he quickly shot a look upwards let Monica and Andrew know that he was really asking two questions.

Monica had been avoiding thinking too much about her injuries and how much time it could take to heal from them. The pain was bad enough, but contemplating a long recovery wasn’t something she was ready to do yet. Paul saw that immediately and wished he hadn’t asked. Fortunately Andrew saw it as well and spoke up after placing a supportive hand on Monica’s arm.

“The doctor’s are saying that she can leave within the next few days as long as she starts walking around a little more,” he answered. “After that… well it looks like she’ll be recuperating at her apartment for a little while.” He gave her arm a little squeeze and cast a glance in her direction. “Which I can’t say I mind… I have some painting to catch up on, and old Mrs. Kellerman has a leaky sink in her bathroom.”

No matter how kindly he put it Andrew’s words still announced that he thought Monica was going to have to go through the normal healing process at least for a time. Paul couldn’t help but have mixed emotions. He didn’t want Monica to suffer, but he knew he would treasure any remaining time he had with her. The Irish angel, on the other hand, was less upset than she thought she’s be upon hearing her friend state what she had already suspected. Looking at Paul she remembered that she was in no great hurry to leave, and if she was to remain in the apartment then maybe that meant she still had a chance to completely change David’s way of thinking. Remorse for what he had done was a good first step, but the news of mercy and forgiveness was something she was sure he needed to hear.

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