In all reality, the attack from Sheila had been a little bit of a blessing in disguise for Monica. Due to her injuries and the fact that she had "lost consciousness" for awhile while the doctor had closed her wounds, they elected to keep her in the infirmary overnight and though she wanted to talk to Abby, the angel was also secretly and ashamedly pleased that she didn't have to face Sheila again until tomorrow. She didn't know what "detention" meant actually or how long the other inmate would remain there and she was in no hurry to find out.

Her meals were brought into her and for the first time since arriving, Monica actually ate everything on her plate. She spent most of the day napping off and on, so by the time night rolled around, she was wide awake, but she had a feeling that had more to do with anxiety over Andrew's late night visit.

Their brief rendezvous at the beach earlier had been wonderful, but she also knew that tonight he was going to want to talk about what had happened with Sheila. The fact was that she had no idea what to tell him as she didn't know what had been spurring Sheila's attacks or why the human hated her so much.

It was dark in the infirmary and also quiet, something Monica was no longer accustomed to at night. The other inmates in nearby cells usually made all sorts of noise at night, sometimes even yelling obscenities to each other but now, though the door to the infirmary was locked, she was actually alone.

She blinked, wishing when she opened her eyes, the darkness would be gone and with one more blink it was. Andrew was sitting on the edge of her bed and the soft glow around him engulfed them both. Wanting to put off the discussion that was to come, and also because there was nothing she wanted more, she flung herself into his arms.

"Thank you for today," She murmured, "It helped more than you know."

"You don't have to thank me, Angel," Andrew stroked her hair and then pulled away and tenderly took her bandaged hand, "I know you don't want to talk about this, but baby, I need to know what happened."

Monica lowered her eyes and sighed, "But Andrew, what does it matter? You can't do anything about it."

"Yes, I can. I can be here for you and that does matter to me," He replied matter-of-factly.

Looking into his eyes, she saw his determination and the love he had for her, "Yes, I suppose it does matter. Andrew, I don't know why Sheila hates me, but she just does. This morning, I was looking for Abby and I wandered off by myself and suddenly Sheila was there and she had a knife. She's seeking me out for some reason and I don't know why."

He could see the frustrated tears that had started to fill her eyes and he pulled her close once more, "Shhh. It's okay. Did you find Abby?" He quickly changed tactics until she had calmed down a little bit.

"Actually, she found me. She was the one who went for help when Sheila was attacking me. She got Tess."

"Well, that is a good thing then. Something you said to Abby must have made a difference, Angel."

"I hope so. I'm anxious to talk to her," She looked up at him and then looked away for a moment, "Andrew?"

"Yes, baby?"

"Do you know how long detention lasts?"

The fear in her voice and the way she bit her lower lip nearly shattered him, but he struggled to keep his own voice steady and calm, "I would think for what she did to you, it would be more than twenty-four hours." Seeing her nod her head, he continued, ", did she say anything at all about why she seems to have it out for you? It just doesn't make any sense, Monica."

"I know," She whispered tearfully, hating herself for being so close to crying. Trying to center herself, she thought back on her attack that morning, "She said...she seems to think that I am how she is going to get out of here. She said that once I was gone, she was gone too, but I don't know what that means, Andrew! I haven't done anything wrong; I haven't done anything to this woman!"

Andrew's head reared back in shock and realization. It seemed that the angel of death was sorting the pieces of a giant puzzle together as now things started to make perfect sense to him. A murderer who shoved a gun into Monica's hands so that she could leave fingerprints on it, the crime happening at the same time she passed by that alley, the mysterious witness who had appeared out of nothing stating that she had seen Monica shooting Edward Nowels and now this... The little Irish angel was the sweetest creature he'd ever met in all his existence and another human being suddenly hating her out of nothing seemed too unrealistic.

Unless that inmate already had a target - unless someone had told her to put Monica out of their way.


Monica's soothing voice and the confused expression on her face drove him away from his thoughts. And the way she was looking at him, so innocent, so unaware of the terrible and dirty plot that had been set against her, broke his heart. Trying his best not to panic, he kissed the little angel's hand and held it in both of his, pressing it against his heart. His dear Monica. Panic crept over him to think that someone was determined to hurt her - to kill the "woman named Monica" in order to hide another heinous crime.

The little angel kept on staring at him with questioning eyes, not missing the conflict in his own green ones. "What is it, Andrew?"

After the ordeal Monica had been through in her latest assignment, he wished nothing but to spare her from hearing that someone wanted to hurt her. But on the other hand, she had to be alert so that she could protect herself from the woman who had obviously been hired to eliminate her.

Searching for the right words, he held her both hands and kissed each of them. "Monica... angel, I've just realized something very important... and very serious..."

"What is it?"

"This woman... this inmate who attacked you today hasn't turned against you out of nothing, baby. She's being paid to... to take you out of someone's way."

Monica's eyes grew wide at that piece of news. "What? But... but who, Andrew?"

"Edward Nowels' murderer." He caressed her cheek so tenderly, so lightly that an inch of her heart immediately calmed down. "They wanted to kill the man and were looking for a way to get away with it. You appeared to be the perfect second victim, angel. Like I told you, the fact that you witnessed the murderer wasn't just evil crossing your way: everything had previously been set up. And they are still following your steps. This inmate's words to you are the proof that there's someone promising her money and her freedom in exchange for... for erasing any possible evidence against them."

Monica's face fell as she slowly took in what he was telling her. A single tear crossed down her cheek as she spoke again, sadness in her voice.

"I shouldn't be so shocked at human beings' hateful attitudes after what I've been through with Phil... But... I still am..." she finally spoke, with defeat and disappointment in her voice.

Andrew couldn't wait any longer: moved with emotion and at the same time terribly worried about her, he pulled the sad little angel into his arms. He held her carefully not to cause her any pain, but that the same time closely enough so that she could feel protected and much loved.

"You still do because it's part of your true nature, baby. Your soul is innocent and pure and that's because God made you like this. Just perfect... That's why you manage to do so many wonderful things to all the ones who cross your way..." He bent his head down and cupped her face with one hand, keeping his right arm permanently around her body. "That's why I love you so much... so very much..."

Without breaking their eye contact, she raised one hand and gently placed it against his heart. "I have no right to ask you this... But... could you stay around... at least... this night... and whenever you have some time?"

Andrew shook his head and gently admonished her. "You have the right to ask me anything, baby. There's nothing in this world that I'd deny you..." he kissed her forehead again, "And concerning your request, you didn't even have to ask me that, because watching over you, even in your sleep, is my permanent assignment. And I promise you that I'll be a constant..."

"I love you..."she said, after some minutes contemplating his dark green eyes, marvelled at the immense love she could see in them. Their faces inched closer and soon the small distance between them disappeared. A loving kiss broke the sad atmosphere in that small infirmary room; his lips brushing against hers softly, like a promise of never-ending love. Andrew also kissed her cheeks, eyelashes and the tip of her nose, and then reached for her wounded hands, repeating the same ritual of delivering soft kisses along her injured skin. Monica's lips curved into a tiny smile and he could notice a slight blush rising on her cheeks. "Andrew..."

She looked incredibly adorable to him and the blond angel felt as if he had fallen in love all over again. "I hope it doesn't hurt that much by now..."

Monica lowered her head for a moment, blushing even more. Then she turned to look at him again; sweet brown eyes sparkling with love despite the evident sadness he could see reflected in them. "It doesn't..."

The blond angel lay both hands on each side of her pretty face and captured her lips with his own once again. When he pulled away, Andrew straightened the blanket on the bed and gently motioned her to lie back in bed. He too lay next to her and once they were both settled there, Andrew wrapped his arm around her shoulders and brought her close to him. Monica quickly abandoned the pillow and rested her head over his chest.

"You sleep now, my beautiful angel... I'll be here to watch over you, okay?"

"Suddenly I feel so tired... so..." she whispered back, feeling her eyelids grow heavy and lulled by the gentle movement of his fingers through her hair. His presence there had certainly put her heart at ease and only now she could trust that nothing would harm her while she was unconscious.

Andrew kissed the top of her head repeatedly. "Shh... You need to rest, baby... Rest and have sweet dreams..." he said, removing a few strands of hair from her face, "... and never forget how much I love you..."

Some long and silent minutes followed and he thought that she had already fallen asleep when her soothing voice spoke again.

"... never..."

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