"What's all this?!" Monica gasped in surprise as soon as she found her
voice. Looking wide-eyed around her, the angel took in all around her.
Balloons and streamers decorated every area of the large, spacious
ballroom, while a long table stood in the corner, piled high with food--
including a lovely cake! Smiling widely, the caseworker inwardly laughed
as she spotted a large coffee pot set up at the end of the table.
Still totally stunned and confused at what was happening around her,
Monica turned and faced Andrew, Tess and the countless other figures in
the room--most of them, from what she could tell, fellow angels.
"What's going on here?" the angel laughingly questioned, but smiling
joyfully at the same time. After all, she loved parties! "What's the
celebration for?"
Before she could say another word, Andrew walked towards her and wrapped
her in his arms tightly, gently kissing the side of her head. Still
holding onto his friend, the Angel of Death finally spoke up.
"Monica...we're all so proud of you. Just so proud, sweetie," he began,
gently pulling back from the embrace so that he could look into her
sparkling, brown eyes. "Monica, we're all here to celebrated because we
have some awesome news for you..."
"What kind of news?" Monica piped up, eyes widening as she stared at her
friend, then at everyone surrounded around her, questions and excitement
shown in her eyes.
His mouth turning up into a small, loving grin, Andrew placed his hands
on both of his friend's shoulders, gazing into her eyes as he opened his
"Sweetheart, the Father informed Tess and I yesterday that He has chosen
to move you from casework to a supervisory position...Monica, you've been
promoted to be a supervisor..."
Upon hearing her friend's words, excited tears brimmed in the Irish
angel's beautiful, brown eyes as she let out an excited squeel and threw
herself into Andrew's arms, nearly knocking him over.
"A supervisor?!" she squeeled as she clung excitedly to her friend,
burrying her head in his shoulder,
"The Father promoted me to be a SUPERVISOR??"
Chuckling softly at her charge's excitement, Tess walked over to her
friends and wrapped her arms around them tightly,
"That's right, Baby," she confirmed, kissing each of her young charge's
heads as she tightened her strong arms around their shoulders,
"That's right...you'll be a supervisor to a new caseworker very soon. The
Father knows you have the potential for this position; He's seen you work
with us..."
"I can't believe this is happening..." the Irish angel whispered, feeling
more joyful tears start to roll down her face,
"To me..."
Gently pulling back from his best friend's embrace, Andrew glanced around
at the large crowd before them before returning his look to his fellow
"Well...there's some more surprises in store today," he softly replied,
grabbing hold of both Monica and Tess' hands,
"And--I also have an announcement of my own to make later on. To both of
His green eyes suddenly turning serious, the Angel of Death turned to
face his supervisor, meeting her surprised brown eyes, which grew wider
at his words.
"You, too, Angel Boy?" she questioned, total shock showing on her face.
"So do I, Babies..."
Her brow furrowing, Monica glanced at each of her friends, curiosity
evident on her pretty features. What kind of announcements could her two
best friends have?? Were they announcements that could change their lives
and friendships? Were they being promoted, too?
The questions ringing in her head all at once, the young angel moved her
eyes around at the group before her and decided to push her concerns and
curiosity to the back of her mind for the time being and have fun for
Allowing her cheerful smile to return to her full, red lips, Monica once
more gave Andrew and Tess' hands one last squeeze before facing the crowd
and piping up, her Irish voice ringing ou over the large room.
"So! Who wants some coffee?"
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