As soon as the three angels released each other, each of them staring
sadly into one another's tear-filled eyes, Adam sucked in a deep, sharp
breath and marched, somewhat annoyed, over to where Andrew, Monica and
Tes were standing. His hurt, blue eyes set on his fellow Angel of Death's
tear-stained face, Adam, without really thinking, reached out as he
neared and grabbed hold of Andrew's arm. Forcing his friend to look his
way, Adam met Andrew's green eyes and frowned grimly.
"Andrew, can I talk to you for a minute?" the angel asked of his friend,
his voice thick with annoyance. Without taking his eyes off of Andrew, he
watched as his fellow angel turned to face Monica and Tess.
"I'll be right back, you guys," he softly replied, quickly reaching out
and giving Monica's hand one last squeeze,
"This shouldn't take too long..."
"Take as much time as you need to, Baby," Tess reassured her young friend
gently, softly rubbing his upper arm,
"We'll be right here when you come back from talking with Adam."
Offering a tiny smile to his supervisor, Andrew nodded his head before
turning to face Adam once again. His fellow Angel of Death wore an all-
too serious expression, with a look of anger mixed in with it.
Without bothering to say anything more, Adam kept a firm grip on his
fellow angel's arm and practically dragged him out of the large ballroom,
his blue eyes starting to flash with bitter anger. Dragging his friend
down the long hallway until he was certain they were out of earshot from
their friends in the other room, Adam suddenly stopped in his tracks in
the middle of the bright lighted hallway. Finally releasing Andrew's arm,
Adam faced him, frowning angrily in his direction.
"Andrew, what's the deal, man??" the angel roughly demanded, folding his
arms across his chest and staring at Andrew,
"What's up with the whole 'I'm moving to Search and Rescue' thing about??
You've GOT to be kidding, Andrew! You're kidding about this, man,
Staring stubbornly into his friend's saddened, green eyes, which were
stained with tears, Adam impatiently waited for Andrew to answer. When
the words finally came out of the angel's mouth, however, they weren't as
Adam had expected,
"I'm not kidding, Adam," Andrew responded sadly, lowering his eyes to the
carpeted floor,
"I really am switching after's no joke..."
"Andrew!" Adam cried out, grabbing hold of his friend's shoulders and
roughly giving him a shake,
"Have you gone CRAZY here?? Do you realized what you're doing?! Man,
we'll no longer be working together anymore! And what about Monica and
Tess?? The day Monica's been promoted, you announce that you're
switching, too!!
How could you and Tess just LEAVE?? Andrew...I don't even think I'll ever
see you again!! How could you? How could you be so selfish!!"
As soon as the last words came out of the angel's mouth in a rush, Adam
knew instantly that he had said the wrong thing...the "being selfish"
remark rang in his head as he watched Andrew slowly lift his head up and
stare at him, eyes wide and tear-filled. But, the shocked look almost
immediately turned to total anger as Andrew furrowed his brow, narrowed
his eyes and glared at Adam, hurt, furry, sadness and confusion all mixed
in one shown in his green eyes.
"I'M being selfish?!" Andrew yelled, no longer bothering to keep his
voice calm, still and quiet. Not now,
"I'M being selfish! Look who's talking, Adam!!"
Totally regretting his self-centered words, Adam's blue eyes started to
brim with tears as he hesitantly stepped toward his friend, an arm
But, Andrew only moved farther back from the angel, obviously trying to
get as far away from him as possible.
"How could you say that, Adam??" Andrew continued, his voice raising,
"How could you say that I'm being selfish when all you're doing is
putting me down, telling me that you will never see me again and not even
think ONCE what's best for me! Being an Angel of Death isn't for me
anymore! I thought you of all angels would come to realized that by this
time!! But I guess not..."
"Andrew..." Adam started, coming closer to his friend so he wouldn't run
away from him now. Oh, God, not now...
"Andrew--I'm sorry, man--"
"Oh, NOW you're sorry!" Andrew remarked sarcastically, glaring into
Adam's eyes,
"After the damage is already done, THEN you Monica's
party! How could you even think of talking to me about me switching
positions at one of my best friend's celebration party?? How selfish can
you get, Adam?? Huh?"
Not waiting for a response from his fellow Angel of Death, Andrew quickly
turned on his heel, tears streaming nonstop down his cheeks, and headed
as fast as his feet would allow to the front entrance of the Country
Adam, his own heart breaking at what he had said to one of his closest
friends, took off after the angel before he could get very far and
grabbed his shoulder, trying to bring him to a halt.
But, unfortunately, as soon as Adam's hand came in contact with Andrew's
shoulder, the hurting angel violently shook his shoulder, sending Adam's
hand flying.
"Don't even think about it, Adam!" Andrew shouted, shooting a dirty look,
full of pain and betrayal, the angel's way,
"I thought we were friends! But, I guess I thought wrong, huh??"
Ignoring the desperate, pained look on Adam's face, Andrew whirled around
and tore out the front door, the door slamming shut as he went.
"Don't even think about it, Adam!"
Andrew's shout brought Monica and Tess, along with several others, out to
the hallway to see what all the commotion was about. However, as soon as
Monica made her way to the hallway, she caught sight of Andrew's back
disappearing out the front door and around a corner.
Turning shocked, brown eyes to Adam, the Irish angel watched as the Angel
of Death practically slumped against the wall, stung terribly by their
friend's words of anger. Speechless, Monica turned to her supervisor
beside her, silent questions showing in her eyes.
Nodding her head slowly at her friend's request, Tess gestured with her
head to the door, and without saying a single word, Monica ran to the
door after Andrew, desperate to get to her friend and try to fix things
before everything turned bad...
As soon as the young angel pulled open the large, brass doors and
prepared for her search for her dear friend, Tess' stern, but in-control,
voice rang out loud and clear.
"All right, Adam. What just happened there??"
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