Chapter 9


        As she once more walked through the large, brass double doors of the

        beautiful ballroom, Monica's brown eyes widened at the sight before her.

        The food tables were pushed off to the side against the cream- colored

        walls; chairs were set up in the center of the room while a movie

        projector sat in the aisle before a large movie screen. Every guest was

        gathered in groups, talking quietly to each other.


        Monica's eyes searched the crowed and they landed upon Tess, who was

        heading towards her at a fast walk. A relieved smile shone on her

        features, although the Irish angel could tell that her supervisor's

        large, brown eyes were filled with tears. Her own eyes still brimmed with

        a few tears of her own, Monica walked up to her friend and grinned a bit.


        "What's going on, Tess?" she questioned curiously, glancing over the

        older angel's shoulder and staring at Sam and Taylor, who were setting up

        the finishing touches of the movie projector and microphone. Focusing her

        attention back to her supervisor, the angel continued,

        "What's the movie projector for?"


        Glancing behind her at her fellow angels, Tess raised her shoulders in a

        curious shrug and answered the best she could,


        "I'm not all sure myself, Angel Girl...after I talked with Adam for a

        while, I came back here and everyone was setting this up. Actually,

        Monica, no one would even tell me what's going on when I asked..."


        Stopping suddenly in her explanation, Tess turned back to her charge and

        whispered softly,

        "Now, forget about me,'d it go with Andrew? Is Angel Boy okay

        after what happened with Adam?"


        A smile spreading across her mouth, the Irish angel met her friend's

        brown eyes, allowing the few tears to fall down her cheeks,

        "Andrew's doing okay now, Tess," she answered softly,

        "As we were heading back here, Adam came by and I left him alone with

        Andrew so they could talk and, I must say, Tess, I really think things

        will be okay between those two. Not only do I admire how much of a

        forgiving spirit Andrew has, but I couldn't help looking back at them

        after I left. Tess...let's just say that it always makes me cry whenever

        I see Andrew hug Adam..."


        "Well, those two Angel Babies are going to miss each other, Monica," Tess

        confirmed, meeting the younger angel's soft, brown eyes,

        "Adam told me how much he's going to miss our Angel Boy after tonight

        and can't be happy for him...I admit, it IS hard to support your friends

        when they're about to leave you, but--I talked to Adam about thinking

        about what's best for others--our friends--and not our own feelings...I

        was hoping I got through to that boy, Angel Girl..."


        Giving her head a slight shake, Tess looked over Monica's curly head and

        smiled tearfully at ths sight she saw walking through the large doors of

        the ballroom. Adam and Andrew were walking towards them, Adam's arm

        draped around Andrew's shoulders as they walked. Both angels were red-

        eyed from crying earlier, but looks of relief shone on their faces, along

        with slight smiles.


        Her tears coming faster at the sight of her Babies, Tess headed towards

        her two young friends and reached out for them with outstretched arms.

        Taking both lovingly into her embrace, the angel whispered proudly into

        their ears,

        "I'm so proud of you, Babies," she softly said, stroking their hair with

        loving hands,

        "Tess is very proud of you both..."


        Kissing each of their tear-streaked cheeks gently, the supervisor finally

        released her friends and smiled proudly at them. Just as she opened her

        mouth again to say something, Sam's strong voice came through the

        microphone at the front of the room and echoed through the large crowd.


        "Okay, everybody! Can we have it quiet for a minute here?" his masculine

        voice boomed,

        "I need all of you to have a seat up here if you will, please! Monica?

        Andrew? Tess? I need you three up here in the front row, my friends!

        Everybody, quiet down for now!"


        His voice ringing out, the older and more mature angel tapped the tips of

        his fingers against the microphone and watched as the crowd separated and

        made their way quickly over to the waiting chairs, each one taking a

        seat. Smiling broadly, but a bit sadly, Sam kept his eyes on Andrew,

        Monica and Tess as all three sat down in the front row, Adam and Raphael

        joining them.


        Satisfied with the crowed and what was occurring before his eyes, Sam

        gazed around the room and met eyes with his friends, old and new.


        "Thank you, my friends," he more quietly continued, meeting eyes with

        Monica, Andrew and Tess,

        "Now, you all know why we're here. Monica right here has been promoted

        to supervisor and--"


        Suddenly feeling a slight twinge of annoyance, Sam groaned as he heard

        Raphael let out a piercing whistle and shout. Sighing, Sam caught the

        Mexican angel's eyes and kept the look on his face as he opened his


        "Raphael. Please..."


        A quiet, short laugh rippling through the crowd at the young, Mexican

        angel's response to the announcement, Sam gave a roll of his large, brown

        eyes and continued,

        " we all know, too, Andrew and Tess have also been moved to

        different departments after this night is over with. Monica, Tess, three will be missed terribly. But, before you three leave

        tonight, we have a gift for you. It was just going to be for Monica for

        her new position to Supervisor and her friendships with you two, but looks like this present will be presented to three very special

        angels and friends who will always and forever hold a place in my heart."


        Glancing, with tears starting to brim in his eyes, at the back of the

        room, Sam met Taylor's blue eyes and gave his head a slight nod,

        "Hit it."


        Quickly taking a seat beside Adam, who sat beside Andrew, Sam turned his

        teary, brown eyes to the movie screen before him, his heart in his throat

        as the lights shut off and the room turned pitch black. The projector

        immediately turning on by the hands of Rose, Sam watched as a familiar

        picture appeared in front of him: Monica and Tess in the front seat of

        Tess' beloved, red Convertible and Andrew leaning forward from the back

        seat, his arms resting on the front seats and a large smile on his face.

        The tears now falling from his eyes against his will, Sam listened as the

        familiar song was heard as the slide how began:


        "Because You Loved Me"/Celine Dion

        For all those times you stood by me


        For all the truth that you made me see


        For all the joy you brought to my life


        For all the wrong that you made right


        For every dream you made come true


        For all the love I found in you


        I'll be forever thankful, baby


        You're the one who held me up


        Never let me fall


        You're the one who saw me through


        Through it all.


        You were my strength when I was weak


        You were my voice when I couldn't speak


        You were my eyes when I couldn't see


        You saw the best there was in me


        Lifted me up when I couldn't reach


        You gave me faith 'cause you believed


        I'm everything I am


        Because you loved me.

        You gave me wings and made me fly


        You touched my hand, I could touch the sky


        I lost my faith, you gave it back to me


        You said no star was out of reach


        You stood by me and I stood tall


        I had your love, I had it all


        I'm grateful for each day you gave me


        Maybe I don't know that much


        But I know this much is true


        I was blessed because I was


        Loved by you.

        (Repeat Chorus)


        You were always there for me


        The tender wind that carried me


        A light in the dark


        Shining your love into my life


        You've been my inspiration


        Through the lies, you were the truth


        My world is a better place


        Because of you.

        (Chorus) 2X


        As the song played through the dark room, picture after picture appeared

        on the screen before the crowd of angels.

 , exiting times...humorous times...


        Andrew's green eyes flooded with sad tears as he felt Monica's hand grip

        his in her own and hold tightly. Squeezing her warm, soft hand back, the

        angel turned his attention back to the screen in front of him, his heart

        pounding rapidly as a photo of himself teaching Monica how to bowl was

        shown...miniature golf with Tess and Monica...teaching the Irish angel

        how to ride a 10-speed bicycle...a fun time with Raphael and Matt while

        playing Truth or Dare...


        Lifting his free hand and wiping away the tears that flowed from his

        green eyes, the Angel of Death simply stared at the screen and listening

        as the song changed:


        "It's Time For Movin' On"

        We've travelled a long, long time together


        And there have been alot of good things on the way,


        But now, it's almost time for leavin'


        And the things I feel inside are very hard to say.

        But it's time for moving on, my friend; hold back all the tears and



        It finally is time, to go our separate ways.


        And I want to wish you well, my friend,


        As we search for new tomorrows.


        Go, as you must, but please,


        Don't forget the yesterdays.

        Remember the dreams we dreamed together,


        All of the joys we shared at getting to today.


        Now just one time, before you leave,


        Reach out, and take my hand,


        And help me walk away.

        For it's time for moving on, my friend; hold back all the tears and



        It finally is time, to go our separate ways.


        And I want to wish you well, my friend,


        As we search for new tomorrows.


        Go, as you must, but please... Don't forget the yesterdays.


        Beautiful music filled the air as Andrew stared, speechless as tears

        poured from his eyes, at all the pictures before and

        memories of him and the two best friends the Father had given him...


        A lump formed in the angel's throat as a pic of him and Monica appeared

        on the screen. The Irish angel's arm was wrapped lovingly around his

        shoulders as he sat on the edge of a hospital bed. From the time the

        picture was taken, Andrew knew for a fact that he was in human form...a

        black and blue bruise, not that noticeable anymore, surrounded part of

        his eye, while part of his arm was wrapped in a bandage up to his

        shoulder and held in a sling.


        From the look of relief and love shown on Monica's gentle face and the

        way he, himself, looked, Andrew knew instantly that was a few a few days

        after the hijacking on the plane ride to Europe...


        Blinking rapidly so his vision wouldn't blur any more than it already

        was, the Angel of Death continued to keep his gaze fixed on the screen as

        group pictures flashed before his of him and his friends

        and past assignments...Monica and Audrey...himself and Petey before he

        passed on...and finally, just as the beautiful song came to a close,

        Tess' driver's license photo. A blown up picture of it...


        All three angels stared up at the picture of the three of them together

        that day...and knew immediately, as the lights slowly came on, that this

        day really would have to come to an end. Their time together wouldn't

        last forever.

        In just a few hours, they all would be going separate ways, leaving one

        another behind...and starting new lives...


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