"Monica's Promotion" - Part 1 of a series
Written by: Erin
Not a cloud was in sight as the large, red convertible drove quickly
through the beautiful California town. The sun shone brightly down on the
three friends gathered, chatting away, in the car as a gorgeous, snow
white dove flew through the air and landed, cooing, on a high tree
Laughter was noticeably heard through the warm, summer air as the large
car stopped at a red light, its driver shooting a sideways, teasing
glance at the auburn-haired female beside her. A blindfold was wrapped
securely around her eyes to prevent her from seeing what was going on
around her.
Shaking her head slightly and giving a roll of her large, brown eyes, the
driver stepped on the gas as the light turned green and laughingly
"Angel Girl, are you ever going to stop squirming here? Geez, Monica,
calm down...we're almost there, Baby."
"Tess, I'm not known for my patience, you know?" the angel sighed
impatiently as she planted her palms on the blindfold and softly patting
"What do you and Andrew expect me to be after you two appeared out of
nowhere, order that I get dressed very nicely, place a blindfold on me,
plant me in the car and drive for nearly an hour? Wouldn't you be losing
a wee bit of your patience, too?"
His handsome face nearly red from laughing so hard, Andrew shook his
blonde head and lightly patted his friend on the shoulder.
"But, Monica, I thought by now you would have developed SOME patience,"
he chuckled, removing his hand and folding his arms across the back of
the Irish angel's seat and resting his chin on them,
"Wouldn't you, sweetie? I mean...after seven years of casework, I would
have thought you'd have some patience with us!"
His green eyes twinkling, he watched as Tess once more shook her dark
head, her beautifully curled brown-gray hair swinging about her
"You know, Angel Boy's got a point there, Miss Wings," she teasingly
replied, pulling the red car into a parking space at the entrance to the
Country Club, making sure to park in a shady spot, but with a beautiful
view of the mountains and lush, green lawn that spread out far before
them. Grinning mischievously, the supervisor shut the engine off and
turned to face her squirming charge.
"And speaking of patience, Angel Girl...we're here..." she began,
unbuckling her seat belt and motioned for Andrew to help Monica out of
the car. Opening the driver's side door, the angel climbed out of her
cherished vehicle and headed toward her friends.
Giggling, she reached a hand out and grabbed hold of Monica's right hand,
while Andrew supported her with an arm wrapped tightly around her thin
waist and the other holding her left hand gently.
"Girl, you're shaking like a leaf!" Andrew burst out, chuckling slightly,
"Monica...everything's okay. I've got you; you know that, right?"
Pulling his friend closer to himself, Andrew rested his cheek on the
crown of her head and kissed it lightly, glancing down at her.
Without turning her head completely, the Irish angel allowed her face to
spread into a wide smile and let out a giggle herself. "I know you do, my
friend," she softly answered, squeezing her friend's hand tightly,
"There's no doubt in my mind about that."
"I'm glad, honey," he gently replied as Tess reached for the front door
of the main lobby and opened it wide for her two charges. Carefully
ushering his friend into the large, beautiful lobby, Andrew walked down
the hall, with Tess on their heels, and immediately took a right,
stopping in front of large, brass double doors.
Still gripping the angel supportively and protectively, the Angel of
Death gave a slight nod of his head to his supervisor, who immediately
walked over to the doors and swung them open wide. Guiding the caseworker
into the middle of the dark, silent room, Andrew suddenly stopped in his
tracks and gently laid a hand on Monica's shoulder.
"You ready?" he whispered in her ear, moving behind her to untie the dark
blindfold from her eyes.
"I've been ready for almost an hour, Andrew," the angel teased, giggling
as she felt the blindfold come down from her brown eyes.
As soon as she faced the room, though, several lights turned on all at
once, gentle jazz music filled the air and dozens of familiar faces
appeared before her...and a banner that hung in the very back of the room
Before she could take in all of her surroundings at once, a loud shout
rang in her ears that nearly knocked her off her feet.
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