Moments like these

The February evening was cold and the little auburn haired female tugged her coat more tightly around her slight frame, as she wondered where it was she was supposed to go next.  As a strong gust of wind blew her long hair around her face and stirred up the dried leaves leftover from the fall, she only hoped that she would be given direction soon. 

Monica’s assignment had finished a little bit early, but no less joyfully for Renee and Ian.  The couple had reconciled just in time for Valentine’s Day, with a little bit of help from one of God’s angels.  But the warmth of the elegant restaurant was all but forgotten now in lieu of the bitter winter weather out on the street.  It didn’t help matters either that her outfit for the evening had been a conservative little black dress and now, even though she was wearing a coat over it, she was still shivering.  Monica was starting to think that a little café and a hot, steaming cup of mocha would be her second greatest wish right about now. 

But there were no little cafes in sight and no sign of Tess yet either, instructing her on where her next assignment would take place, so instead she slid onto a bench at a bus stop that at least offered a little bit of shelter from the wind as it was closed in on three sides with a roof overhead.  Rubbing her hands together briefly, she then stuffed them into the pockets of her coat as her eyes scanned the darkness around her, hoping to soon see a sign of her supervisor.  The Irish angel was not a big fan of the darkness as it often made her feel small and alone and that was especially true on this particular night.

Andrew, the angel she had been joined with for all eternity had not been on her last two assignments with her and the loneliness in Monica’s heart would have easily consumed her had she allowed that to happen.  She knew that first and foremost, she was an angel of God and her mission was to fulfill His works and she found that to be an honor and a privilege.  But yet there was no denying that tonight of all nights, her absolute greatest wish would be to at least end that day in the arms of her angelic husband.  However, the hour was growing late and it seemed less and less likely that wish would come true for this year anyway.  Yes, they had spent dozens of Valentine’s Days together over the years, but this one would have been special as it would have been their first one as a married couple. 

Monica sighed softly and allowed loving thoughts to fill her heart in the hopes that Andrew would at least know that she was thinking about him.

“There you are!”

The sound of Tess’s voice pulled her from her reverie and she smiled sheepishly, “Sorry, Tess, but I was a wee bit cold.  I didn’t mean to venture far.”

“Nonsense baby, it’s freezing out here tonight,” The older angel grumbled, “I’m surprised you didn’t wander farther as there is a coffee shop in the next block.”

The little angel raised her eyebrows in amusement, wondering what Tess’s reaction would have been to find her a block away, sipping on the beverage her supervisor already thought she drank far too much of, though she wisely chose to say nothing about it. 

“Well, are you ready for your next assignment?” Tess extended her hand and waited for her young charge to take it to help her to her feet, “Baby, your hand is freezing.  You really should have found that coffee shop.”

“Where are we heading, Tess?”

“Not anyplace warmer, I’m afraid.”

A moment later, the two angels were standing in front of a large window, looking outside at the snow that was falling in the mountains.  Usually, the little angel would have been enchanted with the beautiful snowflakes, but for the time being, she was simply glad to feel heat.

“Welcome to Vermont, Angel Girl,” Tess stated, as she gazed into her charge’s dark eyes, seeing a trace of sadness in the brown pools, “Are you all right, baby?”

“Oh!  Yes, Tess, I’m fine,” Monica managed a smile, as she took in her surroundings.  They were standing in the lobby of a huge lodge that was dimly lit.  There were sofas and chairs scattered around and they were filled with couples, ranging from the young to the old, as they held hands and spoke quietly with each other.  In the center of the room was a large old stone fireplace and the flames dancing it reflected their images on the pine walls all around them.  There were small tables near the furniture that held hot mugs of coffee or tall flukes of champagne that the couples sipped from.  Beyond the lobby, Monica could just make out an elegant restaurant; again, seemingly filled with couples celebrating the romantic holiday and the smells that wafted through the air from it were enough to nearly make the angel’s stomach growl.

“It’s beautiful,” The young angel breathed out the words with a hint of longing in her voice, “My assignment is here then?”

“Yes, baby.  Unfortunately, not everyone is spending Valentine’s Day so far the way they would like to,” The supervisor explained as she helped Monica out of her coat.  She looked her young charge over, her eyes sweeping over the simple yet elegant dress Monica wore, all the way down to the black heels that she fidgeted in slightly, “Sorry, Angel girl, it’s a holiday and no shoes are not an option, but I think you’ll do just fine for this assignment.” Standing behind her charge, Tess laid loving hands on her shoulders and centered Monica in the direction of the restaurant, “Just give the maitre de your name and he’ll take you to your assignment.”

Monica knew the drill by heart as she was accustomed to walking into situations unknown.  She always knew that God would explain what Tess was unable to, so with a nod, she walked through the double doors of the restaurant.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, madame,” The maitre de smiled at her as she approached the counter, “Surely you don’ t need a table for one.”

A slight blush rose to her cheeks as Monica shook her head, “No.  I’m meeting someone and they should be expecting me.  My name is Monica.”

“Ah yes,” The man smiled and beckoned to her, “Follow me, miss.”

The restaurant was huge and elegant; the lights dimmed low with flowers and candles adorning each table.  She followed him through several rooms until they came to the very last room and much to Monica’s surprise, there was only one table set up in that room and the room had a fireplace all to itself.  She bit her lip somewhat nervously as the last thing she wanted was to be in a romantic atmosphere on Valentine’s Day with a total stranger, but she was an angel and had to go where she was sent.

She hesitated only briefly before following the maitre de into the room and was surprised to hear him announce her arrival.

“Sir, Miss Monica has arrived.”

The man sitting at the table with his back to them replied, “Thank you.” Before he stood up and turned to face them.

“Andrew!” She had recognized his voice instantly and now she was standing face to face with her beloved husband, who was looking more handsome than she had ever seen him before in his black tuxedo.  Monica eye’s instantly filled with happy tears as she nearly launched herself into his arms, the heels giving her just enough height to be able to bury her face in the nape of his neck as she breathed in the smell of his cologne.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, my beautiful angel,” Andrew murmured, holding her closely to him, so thankful to finally have her in his arms.

“You’re my assignment?” Monica pulled away enough to look up into his face, still coming to terms with the incredibly romantic surprise he had planned.

“You could say that,” He smiled tenderly at her as his hands softly ran over her hair, “You didn’t think I was going to let this day go by without being with my valentine, did you?”

“I…I didn’t think…I thought…” Words escaped her along with tears of joy, as she hugged him tightly once more, “I love you so much.”  She managed to say, though she didn’t think those words did justice to the array of feelings in her heart.

“I love you with all my heart, Angel.” Andrew whispered before he brushed his lips to hers in a sweet and soft kiss.  As they parted, he moved to pull out her chair for her, waiting until she shyly slipped into it, before laying a kiss on her cheek and then taking the chair across from her, “So Tess must not have given away the surprise,” He surmised as he reached for her hand and held it tightly in his own.

“No, not at all,” Monica grinned, her eyes sparkling happily, “I really thought I had an assignment of unknown origin waiting for me in here!” Her expression turned more serious for a moment, “I really thought the day was going to pass without my seeing you, Andrew.  I’m so glad I was wrong.”

“Me too,” He replied steadily, his thumb brushing over her hand, “I’ve missed you the last week.”

For a moment, the emotion of the moment combined with the magical atmosphere threatened to choke her and all she could do was nod her agreement as she squeezed his hand.  Sometimes, the things she felt for him were so incredibly powerful that she was simply unable to express them.

“You look beautiful,” Andrew could sense the emotions that were just below the surface for her and he was pleased when a shy smile appeared on her lips.

“Well, you look rather fetching yourself, if I do say so!”

He chuckled at her choice of words, “Why thank you.  Now, would you like to see a menu or if you prefer I can just order for us.  I would have done that before you arrived but I didn’t know if you were in the mood for anything in particular.”

She appeared thoughtful for a moment, “You pick.  I’m in the mood for anything on that menu as long as the moment of eating it is shared with you.”

Dinner was a lovely affair full of warm conversation and tender glances as Monica chattered on about her last week full of assignments.  Andrew loved watching her animated expressions as she talked about the work she so dearly loved.  He was mesmerized by the happy sparkle in her deep brown eyes and the way she would gesture with her hands when she was making a point.  He was enchanted by her giggle when she told him about Tess’s suggestion that she actually go to get coffee.  Fact was, he was unable to take his eyes off of her which resulted in very little eating on his part.

“I’m rather surprised then that you didn’t guess that something was up,” He chuckled, his green eyes filled with the tremendous love he felt for her, “Tess suggesting you get coffee!  That was totally out of character for her!”

“I was a wee bit afraid it was a trap!” The little angel giggled as her hands curled around her coffee cup.

“Ah yes, Tess is famous for those coffee sting operations,” His wink sent Monica into more giggles.

As the laughter died down and their eyes met, Monica reached for his hand and entwined her fingers through his, “Tell me tonight isn’t finished yet now that dinner is over.”

“Okay,” Andrew replied steadily, “Tonight isn’t finished yet now that dinner is over,” Rising from his chair, he pulled out her chair for her.  As she stood up, he gently wrapped his arm around her small waist to guide her from the restaurant. 

As soon as they entered back into the lobby of the lodge, Andrew led her to one of the chairs and beckoned for her to sit.  Her expression clouded with confusion as he knelt down in front of her and tenderly removed the high heeled shoes from her feet.

“No need for you to be uncomfortable any longer,” Andrew explained with a sweet smile.

Reaching out, Monica caressed his cheek lovingly, “Isn’t it wonderful to have someone who understands us perfectly?”

“Well, I can’t say I know you absolutely perfectly, Angel, but I do know that you much prefer bare feet to shoes and that if you absolutely must wear shoes, you would rather they be sandals, but even those you will sneak off given half a chance.” He grinned at she giggled and then he stood up, her shoes in one hand and extended his other hand to her, “C’mon.  I’ve shared you with the rest of humanity long enough.”

Her eyes sparkled happily as she wrapped her smaller hand around his and allowed him to lead the way down the corridor and then up a flight of carpeted stairs, then down another long carpeted hallway.  They finally stopped in front of room 241 and Andrew fished the card key from his tuxedo jacket pocket.  Swiping the lock, he held the door open and allowed Monica to enter first. 

The little angel sighed happily as she walked into the large two room suite.  It was more cozy than elegant with a deep, plush sofa and matching chair in the sitting room.  She barely took notice of the large entertainment center with the television, knowing that chances were slim that they would even turn it on.  Moments they were permitted to be together without working were far too precious to spend time on anything but each other.

“It’s beautiful,” She breathed out the words as she turned around to look at her angelic husband, who had already discarded his tuxedo jacket and tie in exchange for comfort.

His eyes met with hers, his love for her so plainly evident, “Not anywhere near as beautiful as what I’m looking at right now.”

A blush rose to her cheeks but before she could become anymore embarrassed, Andrew had taken the three steps to take her face into his hands.  As his lips met with hers, Monica tilted her head back to welcome him as her hands moved to rest on his arms.  As the kiss deepened, she could feel her heartbeat speeding up and she found that she wished the moment would never end.

But after several long minutes, it did end though Andrew never removed his hands from her face as his fingers stroked her soft, delicate skin, “I wanted to do that all through dinner.”

Catching her breath, Monica grinned, “I’d have let you, ya know.”

“How about we move this into the other room, angel?” He knew he needed more of her as it had been far too long since their bodies had been united as one.  It was a precious gift that they had been given and one that time seldom allowed.  Seeing her nod her head eagerly, Andrew swept her up in his strong arms and carried her to the bedroom.


Some time later, the two angels lied in bed, Andrew arms around his angel girl and her head nestled on his chest.  Their lovemaking had been intense and full of words of devotion and promises for all eternity and now the Angel of Death was perfectly content to hold Monica close and run his fingers through her auburn mane.

There were moments he wished that this was all there was.  Yes, he loved doing the Father’s work, but there were times when their stolen moments together didn’t feel like enough.  The thought made him feel selfish and wretched, yet he was unable to help it.  There was nothing that made him feel more whole than holding the little angel in his arms, then listening to her observations about existence, humans, the world, and their relationship.  Being apart from her was agony for him, even when it was only for a few days or a week.  Though he knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself, he still considered it his honor and duty to protect her.  Andrew also knew he had no right to ask for anything more.

A splash on his chest pulled him from his thoughts as great concern seized him, “Monica?  Baby?  What is it?  What’s wrong?” He sat up enough to be able to see her face and despite the trembling smile that she managed, he didn’t feel much better, “My sweet angel, what is it?  Did I hurt you?”  The thought made him feel sick to his stomach.

A tiny gasp escaped her as she shook her head tearfully, “No, Andrew…never.  I just…”

“What, baby?” He whispered, his fingers swiping at the tears that fell, “You can tell me.”

“It’s just….sometimes…the things I feel for you…they’re so powerful, Andrew and they well up inside of me and…make me cry sometimes.  Not because I’m sad…but because I love you so much.”

“Oh Angel,” Andrew smiled tenderly as he drew her tightly into his arms, “I love you more than you can imagine.  It’s the most incredible feeling I’ve ever known, Monica.  You’re everything to me and these special times we get to spend together…”

“They’re my favorite times.” Monica finished for him, “I could never pick one favorite moment of my existence because every moment with you is my favorite…and all those moments with you make me so incredibly happy, Andrew.”

Tenderly, he kissed away the rest of her tears, then cradled her in his arms, “Then I must be doing something right, Angel, because all I want to do is make you happy, for the rest of forever.”

“Then you really don’t need to do anything other than be here,” She smiled up at him, “Because this is all I need to be happy.  Just you, Andrew, my eternal Valentine.”

As she laid her head back on his chest and closed her eyes sleepily, Andrew reached down to cover them both with the blanket.  For the next few hours, he simply held her and watched her sleep, even as he longed for the day when the “moments” would be the few they spent apart.

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