Adam had been an angel for a long, long time; much longer than Andrew and Monica combined, so he knew his way around heaven with his eyes closed and knew almost every angel that had been created. He knew which ones existed purely by the book, and those who might be willing to help him out in locating one little Irish angel. That was why Adam searched until he located Rafael.

The Hispanic angel listened intently as Adam related what had happened and nodded before Adam was anywhere near finished, "I've heard what happened between them, amigo. Denying them is hardly the answer."

"I agree. I told Andrew I would try to find her. Have you heard anything?"

"Actually, I saw Monica last week," His eyes flashed with pain at the memory, "She seemed lost. I wanted to talk to her about what had happened; to let her know I knew and that I understood her sorrow, but something in her eyes stopped me. It was like her grief was too great for her to speak."

Adam frowned worriedly, "Any idea where she could be now?"

"Nada, but I know where she was last week and that's as good a starting place as any, but you should know I'm coming with you."

"Andrew was kind of insistent about not wanting help. He's afraid of anyone else getting into trouble. You sure you want to risk it?"

"Si," He punctuated his word with a sharp nod of his head, "They are my friends too, Adam, and I think it would be more than beneficial right now for Monica to know there are angels who don't agree. I could almost feel the aloneness coming from her heart."

"Right. Then let's get going."

It only took them a human day to find her, but it took another two days for Monica to complete her assignment and for Tess to leave her alone for awhile for a much needed break. Adam and Rafael, not visible to the young angel and her supervisor, witnessed firsthand the tension that existed between them and it saddened them both. As Tess vanished from sight, the pain in Monica's mocha colored eyes could almost be felt in their own souls.

"Hola, bonita angelita."

The sound of Rafael's voice caused Monica to turn around, shock registering across her lovely features at the sight of two of her co-workers, but immediately, her expression was guarded, "Rafael. Adam. What are you doing here?"

Adam could see clearly hear the fear behind her words; fear of judgment and he felt a twinge of anger in his heart for what she and Andrew had been put through by those they trusted, "It's okay, Monica. We're here as your friends."

Her eyes darted from one angelic face to the other, still not reassured. Five long months of internalizing her feelings and her pain had convinced her that there would never be another breathing soul she could speak to honestly, other than Andrew. Her initial knee-jerk reaction to their presence was to flee, but before she could, Rafael stepped forward and grasped her forearms gently.

"Monica, you will find no judgment here. Adam and I, we don't think for one second that neither Tess nor Sam was correct in their decision to keep you and Andrew apart. What they've done is every bit as wrong as what they believe the two of you to be. Love, senorita, is a gift from the Father after all, and perhaps they should have been asking Him what he thought about it."

A shudder went through Monica's slight body and she felt the unwanted rush of tears to her eyes. This was the first bit of compassion she had been shown since that terrible day. No, Tess had not been cruel, but their relationship was so different now and Monica could so clearly see the disappointment in her supervisor's eyes each time Tess looked at her.

Her liquid eyes moved past the Hispanic angel to look at Adam, standing just slightly behind Rafael. Adam, so often jovial and sarcastic, was looking at her almost tenderly and when he nodded his head slightly in agreement, she felt the tears push forward and cascade down her cheeks.

"Thank you…" She managed to whisper around the tightness in her throat.

"No thanks are necessary, Monica," Adam replied softly, watching as Rafael hugged her close just long enough for her to be able to get control over her emotions once more. His heart was heavy with the realization that their simple kindness had reduced her to tears, leaving him to imagine what her existence had been like the last several months.

As Rafael released her, she wiped ineffectively at her face, trying to dry the wetness, as she voiced the question she most dreaded the answer to, "Have you…have you seen him?"

"I have," Adam answered, kind gray eyes meeting her teary ones, "I told him I would try to find you."

"Él te ama," Rafael smiled softly at her, "Very much, Monica. He loves you very much. He wanted you to know."

The words brought a trembling smile to her face, if only for a moment as she felt the tears escaping once more, "I don't know what to do," The words were choked out, catching on a sob.

"You're going to let us help you with that," Adam stated firmly, stepping forward to exchange a glance with Rafael, "How long before your next assignment?"

"Two days, I think. Unless something happens."

The two male angels exchanged silent communication; if they were breaking any rules, one look at Monica convinced them it was worth it.

"Stay with her," Adam instructed, "I'll see what can be worked out."

Sometime later, Rafael and Monica walked in silence along the riverbank. The little Irish angel hardly dared to hope that things would work to their advantage and that soon she would see her beloved; her existence had been filled with disappointment of late and she wasn't certain she could handle any more.

"Has it been difficult for you, mi Amiga?" Rafael broke the silence as he cast a worried glance at his angelic companion. Monica had always been full of life and so inquisitive and her silence was unsettling to him.

"Yes," She replied softly, her arms crossed over her body in silent self preservation, "Ever since that day; that horrible day, nothing has felt right, Rafe. Everything has changed; My relationship with Tess, Andrew's absence. I feel so alone."

"You know you are never alone, Monica."

"My head knows that, but my heart feels completely….isolated," A helpless shrug of her shoulders caused the Hispanic angel to wrap a brotherly arm around her.

He could see the tears that shimmered in her eyes at his touch and it drove home to him just how true her words were. Isolated. Alone. Afraid. It was obvious, and it wasn't something Monica was accustomed to.

She turned her haunted eyes to him a moment later, "You truly don't believe they're right?"

"No." His voice held just a touch of anger, "There is nada…nothing right about what they did, querida amiga. The two of you didn't plan this and I'm sure it took you both by surprise."

"It did," Monica whispered sadly, "And it frightened us, but at the same time, it was…wonderful." The last word was a breath as she closed her eyes briefly.

"Amor usually is," Rafael smiled.

"Then how can the results of it be so horrible?"

The grief in her eyes was hard to accept and Rafael longed to be able to give her an answer that would be helpful. He stopped walking and removed his arm from her shoulders in order to take her small hands into his own, "I don't think it has to be. Have faith, angelita. God is still in control of this situation, even though there are others who think that they are. Judgment and confusion are not truth; only the Father is truth. Your story with Andrew is only beginning. Don't lose heart yet."

A lonely tear slipped down her face at his words, "I want you to be right. Thank you for being here."

"I'll stay until Adam returns with Andrew." He assured her as they continued walking.

"Do you think he will?" Monica held her breath as she waited for the answer.

He cast a glance at her and smiled knowingly, "Si."

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